Chapter 2 Not him!

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Most of my classes were done and I was anxiously awaiting to get my book back by seventh period. As the bell for the end of sixth period resounded I shot up from my seat and ran through the door, my eyes roving, searching for Maya. They finally landed on her form a few feet away talking to her friends. I ran to her and tapped her on her shoulder. “Ewww,” she bit out and turned from me. I stood there frozen. “What do you want?” she cried. “My math book,” I said. All three of them erupted in smiles. “I’m so sorry,” she began, “I used it and I sort of left it in the changing rooms out back.” I gasped and they snickered. “Yes I remember you should check the boy’s changing rooms on top of the left side lockers, it should be there,” she said and then pulled her friends away. My eyes stared daggers and her receding back.

                I pushed my books into my locker and then walked off towards the changing rooms. My eyes looked left and right and when I saw no one I rushed off towards the entrance. There were shirts and pants folded on the benches but I took no notice of them as I ran for the left side of the lockers. My feet led me on top of the bench and I passed my hand hoping to feel my book, I gasped when I felt it and then my eyes shot to the door. I could here laughter and walking. I tried to reach the book but it was to far back. I scrambled and then as the talking grew near I reached to the top and pulled myself up. I clutched my book to my chest and lay there panting. A moment later several boys streamed in wearing shorts and t- shirts, I closed my yes and looked away.

                There voices filled the room making me seem claustrophobic. The bell rang and I gasped. “My math test. I looked up and then gulped. It was either my math test or being caught by these populars who would taunt me for the rest of my life. I sighed and lay down flat. Pretty soon showers were running and some of the talk died down. I looked up about twenty minutes later to see that most of them had left. I sighed and then when the showers stopped I peeked out. The room was pretty fogged up but now but I could still make by way down. I grasped the edge of the lockers and then lowered my legs. A moment after something grabbed me. I screamed and was pushed against the lockers. My eyes sought out the person who had grabbed me but it was so fogged up I couldn’t see. I pulled up my hoodie and tried to pull away but they held on strong.

                “A little sneaky aren’t we,” a voice rasped out. I stood there still anticipating the worst. My hoodie was pushed back and then something warm graced my neck. I inhaled. “Maya you shouldn’t,” the deep voice said. My heart froze as I stood there, whoever it was thought I was my sister and why shouldn’t they think so I was the Father Killer. I sighed and tried to pull away but I could not move. I dared not speak fearing the worst. I wanted to cry out, scream but my throat felt as if there was something stuck in it. The warm breath traced itself to my chin and then I felt a tingle as hands were wrapped around me. I gasped as a trail of fire lit its way on my arms before they found my neck. Soft lips crashed down on mine and sent my eyes to the size of saucers. I moaned and tried to push myself away but the more I tried the more I wanted this. The hands grew rough against my hair and then he pulled away. I was breathless. My eyes sought him out in the fog, I wanted to know who this was, who would do this. The hand let go of my neck and then I could see his back. I gulped and then my eyes widened. “No, No not him!” my mind screamed.

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