[Cover drawn by me] Sketches off the top of my head, and paintings as well. This is like, my digital artbook. Well, actually, there is a few that is not digital. :D
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Mermaid! I drew her cuz i was listening to this Korean drama's soundtrack (IT'S REALLY AWESOME) that was like slow and stuff. Well, actually, some people just call it depressing songs and I be like, OI OI OI. YOU CAN'T JUST STICK YOUR HEAD IN AND BE LIKE, OMG, YOU'RE LISTENING TO SUCH DEPRESSING SONGS, UGH, BO~RING *ROLLS THEIR DAMN EYES*. LIKE, HELL NO. YOU AIN'T DOING THAT WITH ME, LIKE, BIATCH! PUH-LEASE, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE FRIGGIN LYRICS ARE. Actually, that's a pretty good thing for me, cuz I personally don't prefer modern English songs cuz all they sing about is bootys ans boobies so yea. But if i listen to other country's song, like J-pop of K-pop, i don't even know what they're singing lolz. XD
Like once, i was singing this korean song, and it went like, "mogoshipo, (I'm just guessing with the sounds cuz i dunno how to write korean) momae, momae, momae, momae something something something" And my sister looked at me and was like, "DUDE, do you even know what you're singing? Jesus, you're too young for that." Actually, the other parts of the lyrics were even more *ahem ahem*, but yea. XD
LOL, I'M COMPLETELY OFF TOPIC. XDD ANYWAYSSSSSS, hope you guys like my drawing!!! :DDD
P.S, please do not claim this picture as your own, and if you want to post it for some reason, please put my name as the artist and creator. No copyright please.