Chapter 8: I didn't mean it

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*Yura's P.O.V*

I felt a sudden shake that vibrated throughout the whole plane. Turbulence. I felt the plane drop drastically, and that woke me up straight away, but I stayed at my position because I'm bound to puke if I move an inch right now. The plane went up and down intensely as the seatbelt sign went on. I moved my hand around my stomach to feel if I had my seatbelt on with my eyes still closed. Thank god it's on me..

After about 15 minutes of air turbulence and the plane came to a rest at a steady pace, I raised my head. A sting surged through my neck as I tried to lift my head. 'God, did I sleep like that? I can barely feel my own neck right now..' I groaned at the pain and massaged at my neck with one hand. Slowly, I raised my head. My hair was messy, and I probably look like a wild person right now. Something soft dropped on my feet. It was my neck pillow... "Since when did I have my neck pillow on me?" I asked myself, trying to recall back how I fell asleep. 'I just fell asleep on something.. That's all I remember..' "Hmm.. Meh.." I shrugged it off and picked my neck pillow up and hugged it as if it was a pillow.

The plane was dark, and everybody else was sleeping soundly, some letting out light snores, and some that were just plainly sleeping in weird positions. Example, Jimin. I looked at him, he was facing the other side, showing me his back and slightly curled up with crossed arms. I don't know if it's weird to you, but I think it's weird. I've never seen someone sleeping like that before. At least a teenager or adult.. 'What time is it??' This sudden question struck me. 'And how Long have I been sleeping?' Another question ran through my mind. I made a small tiny Gap when I opened the window. No light shines through it. 'It's still dark out..' I sighed. "What am I going to do? It's so boring now.." I started talking to myself. Yep. Definitely have schizophrenia.

I started playing some games on the television, and soon I couldn't stand not checking my hair. I. Need. The. Toilet. "But how? I don't want to wake Jimin up. He definitely has a temper.." I started to figure out how I should get across him. I started by putting my left foot in between his legs, and raised my right leg over his right thigh. And I made it, almost falling at the end. Duh, I'm a clumsy person, don't judge. Quickly, I walked to the restroom.

"Hello, crystal." The chief Steward greeted me.

"Hi Uncle Ken.. Please don't call me that name. Sorry.." I waved hello and softened my voice at the end.

"Alright, Yura. How's your sleep?" He asked.

"It was good I Guess. Only that I don't think I have a neck anymore.." He chuckled at my response.

"Do you want a snack? You fell asleep before we served dinner."

"Just a bread roll and butter, that's all. Thanks!" I bowed to him slightly and we chatted for 10 minutes. He knew me through my dad, and he met me since the day I was allowed onto the plane. After our little chat, I went ahead to the restroom and found my hair spiking out at every corner of my head. I took one look at myself and immediately wanted to skin my face off. When I fixed my hair, I went back to my seat. Just thinking about making my way back to my seat makes me want to move to another vacant seat. It feels... Awkward...

"I'm awake.. Your meal being delivered woke me up." He said softly, lifting one eyelid to see me with sleepy eyes. I blushed at my stupidity.

"You're blushing." A grin started to form on his sleep-filled face.

"N-no, Am not! Let me get to my seat so I can eat, pabo!" I stuttered and pulled his legs outwards, leaving some space for me to walk in. He smiled at my dumbness when I realised I had to lift the food-filled tray up and stow my tray table for me to seat down again. "Well shiet."

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