Chapter 26: Was it really?

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*Yura's P.O.V*

"Mm, this new coconut flavored ice cream is really nice.." I talked to myself as I walked down the road while eating an ice cream which I got on the way home. The signboard attracted me a lot, so I decided to buy one since it's getting cold. My parents always say that if the weather is cold, just get an ice cream and you'll be fine. Hey, that actually works okay?

Anyways, I saw someone familiar walking slowly towards me. He was clearly kinda muscular and tall. As he got closer, the more I could see his face. 'Him?!' My eyes widened as I quickly turned on my heels to take another way home. 'Is he living somewhere around here too??'

But, I got caught as he jumped in front of me, blocking my way home. Annoyed, I let out a huff and a glare, which he responded with a smirk.

"I've been looking for you.." his breathy words came out in a chilly manner. Not because the weather was cold! I rolled my eyes, biting on the ice cream stick as I folded my arms.

"For what?"

"To know about you and him.." he shrugged. I rolled my eyes again and tried to push past him which did not work. I literally bounced off him.

"Why would you want to know that?!?!"

"Because he's dangerous. Aite? I'm saving the trouble of you going through a major heartbreak." The boy took a step forward, me taking a step back cuz I felt intimidated by his size and height.

"Huh... you done yet? If so, let me go home before I call the cops on you, Kim Daeyong!" I threatened before turning around and stomping off.

"It's your loss for not believing me!" He called out to me. Desperate boy... why can't he leave me alone? Oh well screw him...

~Two days later~

"So, to find the hypotenuse, you have to--"

"Excuse me, but there's a message to Relay to one of your students." The class was interrupted by a woman who works in the general office, and the teacher didn't look too pleased from the sudden disruption of her lesson.

"Oh alright. Wait, you know what? Get the student outside. I don't intend any of you kids to waste my time!!" The lady's eyes landed on me, and I very dumbly looked at Jimin who gave me a confused face.

"Ms Yura?" Oh okay, it's really me that she wants to call out.. I dislike maths cuz it kills brain cells, but I'm too lazy to move as well. Now I have to awkwardly move across the classroom with a dozen stares on me. Wonderful..

When I was out, she asked me to go to the general office which I did to find my mom waiting for me patiently on the sofa.

"Eomma?" I called her. She looked up at me and thanked the lady before pulling me out of the school quite hurriedly. Her grip on my hand was tight too, so that means that something happened. And I don't have a good feeling about it..

"What's happening? I still have classes!" Pfft, to think that I even care about classes.. although, I go to them for the grades. She didn't respond and instead pushed me into the car and driving out of the school at full speed. I didn't like it, but I don't think it was the time to whine about speeding. It was on the highway when my mom finally spoke.

"It's your cousin. She didn't respond to anything this morning.." my eyes widened, and for a second or so I didn't feel anything. I just felt so numb. That second went on to a full half an hour until we reached the hospital. Tears were filling my eyes, still unnoticed by me. My mom pulled me along, past the reception counter and into Sophie's room.

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