Yura moved to Korea because of her father's work. There, she met someone good, someone conniving, someone hurtful. When she found out "it" was all fake, what will she do?
*DISCLAIMER* note that this story are my idea. Anything that is abit to any s...
Happy new year y'all! I think it's been probably a year or so this book has been published HAHAHA. I hope y'all would have a better year than me and be happier than me :) don't let those shit get into your minds and eat away your sanity aight? It won't do any good.
Because honestly even before 2018 came I feel so fucked. Firstly because of the exams I'm going to have to go through and just pure pressure by my family. I don't really know if I'm going to still be the same person I am today by the time 2019 comes, or to become an expressionless person. 2018 is a very important year to me and a few other people living in my country, which means about half of us would probably go insane by the end of the year thanks to this stupid exam. I don't know what will happen- I might disappear from Wattpad, I might update very little, I might just take a whole year break from it(which will be impossible cuz this is a way to destress myself).
To my friends who managed to read this little ranting/mini motivation chapter, let's get through this year(hopefully still sane). Let's not let those assholes get into our minds and tell us we can't do it. Although honestly I feel that I'm not going to make it HAHAHAHAHAH. Let's all take a break after September, we can go out, walk around, eat to shit, watch movies I don't care I just want to ever forget that education exists and that sleep actually exists.
For those of y'all who are also feeling v shitty about this upcoming year for whatever reasons, I'm sure y'all can do it better than me. If you really can't handle it, talk to someone you trust because trust me it's going to feel better rather than keeping it inside yourself. I'm open to all rants and emotional breakdowns because humans I swear I'll join you HAHAH. Everyone needs a little crying in their lives to feel lighter in the end.
Anyways, happy new year y'all, 2017 is now officially dead and never coming back(unless it's a memory). Forget the shit stuff, make new memories :)
If you haven't found out yet, the second part of this book is out :3 please give it some love. The other book I've mentioned will be delayed by. I don't know how long. But it will come out, so don't worry.
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