The new dentist

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'' Justin honey get ready you have a dentist appointment in 30 minutes'' , Pattie ( justins mom) yelled from downstairs. Justin got up and got dressed then ran downstairs and put his shoes on . '' Be good today baby ''
'' yes mom '' , justin said annoyed and got up grabbing his car keys .

At the dentist office he went to the front desk and he was about to speak to the receptionist when scooter his manager interrupted him. '' hey bieber you can follow me back ''
'' hey scoot '' justin hugged him and followed him to an exam room . '' you can have a seat buddy , you'll be fine '' . Justin sat in the chair and starred out the big window in front of him. Scooter started putting on gloves and justin turned around , '' Scooter what are you doing ?! Where is Ervin ''
'' My dad is busy right now with other patients '' he leaned the chair back and turned on the bright light as justin quickly sat up again . '' But what are you doing !? You're not a dentist ''
'' Actually Justin , I am my dad has been training me for years and now I'm officially a dentist '' scooter smiled proudly while justin looked at him shocked . '' Forget it scooter ! No way you can't fool me man ''
'' justin I am serious ''
Scooter started putting a bib around justins neck '' Stop ! '' justin yelled in his face .
'' Bieber relax ! Lay back and give me a chance okay I'm just gonna take a look ''
'' Gosh '' justin rolled his eyes and layed back '' this is so damn weird'' he closed his eyes shut blended by the light and embarrassed by the whole situation .
'' open up '' scooter said , holding a mirror and an explorer ready to check his teeth . Justin slowly opened his mouth and scooter took a look around .

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