Part 2

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' Ugh wow justin . this is bad I mean I knew you never were my dads favorite patient when it came to dental hygiene but god ! ' Scooter said while checking justins teeth . Justin just sat there waiting for it to be over after what felt like 10 hours scooter took the tools out and looked at him mad while Justin just looked down.
' Justin first off you don't wear your invisalign ! Second you don't floss and third you got some cavities that I need to take a closer look at '
' I um I ' ' what justin huh ?! This is bad okay ! You better start flossing and wearing your invisalign before I put braces on you ! Do you understand ' 'y-yes sir ' justin looked down embarrassed by the whole situation .
' Open we're gonna clean them and then take xrays ' sighed scooter .
' o-okay ' justin opened his mouth because he knew he had to cooperate since scooter already was mad at him. Scooter started cleaning his teeth , after a while he started flossing. ' Ow !! Eh ! Stop ' justin moved his hand away and closed his mouth . ' Justin if you would floss everyday this wouldn't hurt you ! Now open I am not finished '
' You're scary as a dentist ' ' Oh hush bieber open' justin slowly opened his mouth and let scooter continue .
After the xrays were done scooter looked at them and sighed . 
' What ? ' justin asked
' Three cavities and one of them is really bad '
Justin looked down .
' justin how long has it been hurting ?! '
' um uh um .. about um f-four months '
' Great just great bieber ! See what you did ! Also those wisdom teeth need to be taken out but not today '
' Scooter you're scaring me :( '
' and you're making me really mad justin ! I can't believe this ! ' scooter yelled while getting the shots ready . Justin looked at him and his eyes got big ' W-what are you doing ?! '
' Getting the numbing shots ready '
' N-no s-scoot I don't want shots I don't like n-needles '
' Justin you need to be numb '
Justin shook his head no .
' Yes you do . C'mon we gotta do this ' he said bringing the shot over .
' No scoot no d-don't I'm b-begging you '
' Ugh kid really ? '
' I'm scared please don't ' Justin said tearing up
' Are you crying ?! '
' N-no ' he said quickly wiping his tears
' Justin I have to numb you so you don't feel anything when I fix those teeth . Its just a quick pinch I promise '
' No I don't wanna '
' Ughh DAAAAD ' Scooter yelled and a couple seconds  later Ervin scooters dad came in .
' Yes son what is it- Oh justin buddy hey are you crying ?' Scooter didn't say a word and just handed him the xrays . Ervin looked at them and sighed sitting down on one of the stools . ' Justin Justin Justin ' Ervin said putting on gloves and shaking his head .
' He's scared of the shots he won't let me put them '
'okay ' , ervin said ' Justin look kid I got this gel and Im gonna put it on your gums . Its gonna numb the area so you don't feel the injection okay ? ' justin just looked at him scared
' Open justin ' scooter said
' O-only the gel tho ervin no shots '
' Yes buddy no shots yet I promise . Open up for me ' Justin did as he was told and ervin aplied the numbing gel on his gums .

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