Part 3

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'' alright there '' ervin said taking off his gloves and throwing them away. Justin started to feel the numbing gel and tried to relax but when he saw scooter grabbing the shot he started to freak out again . '' No no no please don't please ! ''
Scooter sighed '' Bieber relax its just a small pinch '' '' No its not ! ''
Ervin looked at justin '' kid let scott put the shot now you got 3 cavities that we need to take care off okay ? ''
'' But I'm scared '' justin looked down
'' I'll hold your hand '' ervin grabbed justins hand and gave it a tight squeeze .
'' alright bieber open wide its important that you don't move so stay nice and still for me ''
Justin swallowed hard and opened his mouth slowly looking at scooter . Ervin held his hand while scooter pulled back justins cheek and injected the needle . Justin had his eyes closed groaning in discomfort and was squeezing ervins hand tightly .
Scooter tried to comfort him '' almost done kiddo you're doing good almost done ''
Finally after what felt like hours for justin scooter pulled out the needle . Justin sighed in relief and opened his eyes . '' 1 down 2 more to go '' scooter said grabbing the second needle ....

About 20 minutes later justin was fully numbed and ready for the procedure .
'' Alrighty lets get this over with buddy '' scooter said grabbing the drill '' Open up ''
Justin did as he was told and scooter started drilling the cavities . He filled them and got done with the procedure . '' All done good job kiddo ''
Justin looked up at him and sniled a little still numb .

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