Part 4

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'' Alright kiddo '' scooter said closing his file on the computer '' You can go home now. How about you come back tomorrow for your wisdom teeth?''
Ervin was looking at his xrays while justin just starred at scooter in disbelieve '' What ?! Tomorrow ?!''
'' Yeah kid why not just get it over with. We don't wanna have you get that done while on Tour'' justin just sat there groaning ''Scooter don't you think you tortured me enough today ?!''
'' Justin it has to be done so we might as well get it over with tomorrow morning '' ervin said putting his xrays up.
''Exactly '' , scooter agreed '' Tomorrow morning 8am yeah ? Do not eat or drink anything after 12am''
'' What why ?!''
'' because we're gonna put you to sleep buddy''
''Ugh at least I won't know whats going on then''
''Yeah don't worry about it. It will be fine'' ervin added.
Justin got up and hugged both of them.
''love you see you tomorrow '' he sighed
'' love you too kiddo''
Justin left the office and drove home.
'' Mom ? '' justin yelled while closing the door behind him.
''Yes baby boy how did it go ? ''
'' ugh not good mom. I had 3 cavities''
'' 3 ?! Justin ! ''
'' I know I know ugh don't need to hear your lecture now scooter already did that''
''So scooter finally told you that he is a dentist now ?''
''you knew that ?! ''
''Well yeah baby everyone knew''
''It is so weird ... Oh and I have to go back tomorrow ''
''For what ?''
''They wanna take out my wisdom teeth mommy '' justin said nervously
'' Aw baby boy it will be fine. I'll go with you okay ? And you'll be asleep''
'' okay mommy''
Pattie kissed her son's forhead.
'' lets cook dinner yeah ? Can you help me ? ''
Justin nodded and they both prepared dinner.
After they ate they watched a movie on the couch cuddling.
''Love you mom ''
''Love you too baby''
Justin fell asleep in his moms arms.
The next morning he woke up next to his mom on the couch.
''morning sleepy head'' pattie said running his fingers through justins hair.
''Go get ready we have to leave soon''
''But mommy I'm scared''

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