Chapter 15

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"Have a seat," said Dr. Macintosh, as he ushered Neiko in. Neiko sat down in the large chair in front of his desk. Macintosh had on a shirt and tie, and his ID tag was clipped onto his white shirt. He was a short, middle-aged man with thick glasses, bald with a ring of curly gray hair around the rest of his head "Did you bring Whatshisname?" he asked.

"Yes," Neiko said dryly. He took Ramses in his hands and looked at him closely. After he finished looking at him, he set him on the desk. "What is his name again?" he asked.

"Ramses," she replied.

"Ramses," he repeated softly, nodding. "Tell me everything about him."

"Well, um, he's the worst and meanest guy that ever lived in the history of Qari, Saudi, Iduas, Occorom, and Tiawuk. He's also the Dark Pharaoh, and the slayer of many people and beasts alike. He's in love with Lydia, and he wants to destroy the Attack Pack. He is living as an ordinary Pharaoh of Qari as the first-born son of Osiris. He's using this as a cover, and he stole the birthright of Menes. That's it."

"What is a Dark Pharaoh exactly?"

"A pharaoh that is immortal, more powerful, and meaner than a regular one. Ramses is the only one."

He picked up Ramses and pointed at his chest. "Is this his skin?"

"No, that's his armor. He is completely covered with armor, and nobody has ever seen his face."

"I see, and have you any idea what he may look like underneath or where he came from?"

"Nope, never thought of it."

"Tell me more of the Attack Pack and his relationship with Lydia."

"Well, the Attack Pack is basically a group of beasts and people that live together with one thing in common, Ramses wrecked their life, and they want to bring him down. Well, Lydia, let's see. First of all he watched her be born, and fell in love with her instantly. When she was a year old, her mom, Nefari, died of a bad disease, so Ajax, her father, raised her. Ramses came and started seeing her when she was twenty-five, but later Ajax found out that he was a Pharaoh; he broke them up and promised her to someone else. Ramses got ticked off and murdered Ajax and kidnapped Lydia. Cheetor, her adopted cheetah cub, came home from a hunt and found Ajax dead, and his mom missing. He went to look for her. She stayed with him for one hundred thousand years, but Phoenix came, saved her, and married her. Ramses was so mad, he tried to kill him; he thought he was dead, and he took her again. She stayed with him another one thousand years. Silverbolt came, rescued her, and married her too, but this time he was able to let a king named Ajax take her in, and he changed her age so he was able to hide her before he disappeared. Many years went by and Ramses showed up, but he didn't know it's the same Lydia, and Ajax didn't realize he's the guy Silverbolt warned him about. Lydia thought he was someone else, so she fell in love and Ajax betrothed her to him, but Sandstorm showed that he's evil, and he married her. Then the Attack Pack members started coming, including Phoenix, and they fought against him trying to save them, keep Lydia safe, and save the world."

"I see. What a bedtime story, and you have quite an imagination. I see that Ramses is a very bad person and violent. Do you really believe he said 'Ow' and all of that other stuff? Oh yes, who on earth is Raven?"

"Yeah, I believe it, because it really happened! Raven is, um, my imaginary friend. I got mad at him because he forgot my graduation present," Neiko fibbed.

"I see. Excuse me for a moment; I must get myself a cup of coffee." Macintosh got up and when he left the room, Neiko scowled.

"This is a waste of my time, and he doesn't believe a word I'm saying," Neiko muttered angrily. Then in her anger she kicked the trash can and the trash scattered all over the floor. "Oops," she said as she cleaned up the mess and finished just before Macintosh walked in.

"Well, let's get back to work shall we?"

Joy, she thought sarcastically. Macintosh asked her many more questions about her imaginary world of the Attack Pack. Finally he called her mom to the office, but they stepped outside just out of earshot. Neiko picked up Ramses and rubbed his breastplate.

"Yeah, just what I was thinking," she said to her silent companion, but suddenly, the creepy feeling and her invisible visitor came accompanied by the chills. She laid him down on the desk as the doctor and her mom came in, and her chilling visitor left.

"Well, all Amanda needs is a stress-free environment for a few months. I must admit she has quite an imagination. We will have to work on her putting down her toys a little at a time. I'll schedule a session next month to see her progress, good day, Mrs. Hawk. Amanda, you may leave now," he said gently.

"Can I take Ramses home?" Neiko asked. "Yes of course," he said.

"Good, we can leave now. I didn't think the meeting would ever end.

Stress-free environment, my eye! I'll put down my toys when I'm good and ready! I'm perfectly fine except for Raven is screwing up my life. I need to search Francesco's house soon. I guess I'll see when there's a meeting, and I'll see about doing so; I can't say anything about this creepy feeling, Neiko pondered as she walked to the car to go home.

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