The Slender Tape

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On September 9th, a young girl named Jessica Neely. She disappeared in the woods without a trace. Her father has been taken in for interrogation two days later, where the police force recovered the interrogation tape which might prove the evidence behind the disappearance of the Sheriff, Thomas Neely and Jessica Neely. However, this hasn't been proven.

Officer: Ok, we're recording now. Thomas? Would you like to start from the beginning?

Thomas: Am I......?

Officer: Yes Thomas, you're safe. Now would you like to start from the beginning so we may try to understand the events that happened?

Thomas: Ok. My daughter Jessica, she'd been outside playing at a friend's house and we only lived up the street. Th-they actually only lived up the street, I'm sorry. Um.. it started to get dark out and I called her friend's parents that she needed to get home. They told me she had left over a half hour ago. Well, they're only a five minute walk away. So....I....

Officer: Is this where you left the house looking for her?

Thomas: Yes. We live in a wooded area and I knew she liked playing there with friends, but going alone didn't make sense.

Officer: Ok, so what happened next?

Thomas: I was calling Jessica's name, and it had really been getting dark out now. I was walking through the woods, looking and listening to anything. I remember suddenly feeling sick, like nauseous in the stomach, like I wanted to throw up. And I started to get ringing in my ears. Then I... *Pauses*

Officer: Thomas?

Thomas: That..THING! THAT NIGHTMARE! *crying* He.. NO IT! Jessica's clothes.. in one of its... one of its hands. *more crying*

Officer: It's Ok. Can you-can you please describe what he looked like?

Thomas: It was tall. It.. it appeared to be wearing a suit, but there's no way it was human, there's NO way. The.. the arms were almost to the ground, I.. I've never seen anything like it. Its.. face...

Officer: It's Ok Thomas. Please continue.

Thomas: That horrible fucking face! just starring at me! But.. no there was no face! There was no eyes! WHAT DID I SEE?!

Officer: Thomas please calm yourse-

Thomas: NO! NO! I fucking saw you son of a bitch! It took my Jessica! It's now coming for me! I can't sleep! I can't live! You don't know! YOU DON'T KNOW! OH GOD! OH GOD!

Officer: Thomas calm down!


Officer: He needs to be detained, call secur- OH HOLY CHRIST!! *Gun shots fired*


Unidentified footsteps*

End of tape.

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