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Jameson was a prestigious school.

We wore uniforms and everyone there had an air of privilege about them. It could be intimidating if you let it get to you. Especially because they were all Doms.

They were powerful, intimidating people. The women and men alike. I never got hassled for being the only sub was the term 'sub' was tossed around in the hallways as an insult.

It was arrogant and obnoxious. One boy would push another in a locker saying he was acting like a 'little sub'. The girls said it to. Thing like, 'Oh my God, you're such a sub!'

"What's up?"

I closed my locker as TJ paused. "Nothing. Heading to class already?"

"Nah, I was getting the cafe and get a coffee."

I smiled. "So that means you're going to get a coffee cup and put hot chocolate in it?"

His cheeks went a bit red. "Shut up. You don't drink coffee either."

"No," I agreed. "But I don't pretend I do. That's just stupid."

"You're stupid," he muttered. I rose my brow and he smirked. "Sorry. So what's up? You're looking a bit miserable."

Last night had been another subtle fiasco. There were never any big blow ups in the Beal household--William wouldn't like that. Instead we had night like last night where the roof caved in but the structure was still standing so we could just step around the rubble like it wasn't there. Until we picked it up over the next few days.

"It's nothing. I'm fine."

"You're always fine. I've yet to hear you say anything else."

I snorted. Michael Hall, the school jackass walked by, making a lewd gesture. TJ glared at him. A sub being friends with a Dom was weird to a lot of people.

"You know everyone assumes I'm gay because we're friends?"

I smiled. "Really?"

"Yup. My parents were shocked when I told them I was interested in women."

"That's great," I laughed.

TJ just rolled his eyes. "What about you? What kind of Dom do you want?"

I shrugged as I normally did. "Male."

That was the only real choice we subs got. They chose us. We were expected to like what we got. Toby caught my eye as he stowed his letterman jacket in his locker. He turned and shot me a quick smile before catching up his friends further up the hall.

"So Toby?"

My face burned. "No! Stop it."

"Look at that. You do like him! Sorry to tell you but he's straight."

I rolled my eyes. "Sure."

"No really. We have gym together and the guys were swapping stories and he had quite a few to contribute if you know what I mean. He's quite familiar with the female anatomy if you know what I mean."

I rolled my eyes. Of course I knew what he meant. "I have it from a good source that he's not."

"Why would he hide it?"

"Maybe his father is some old-fashioned prick?"

TJ cocked his head before his eyes went wide. "You're serious!" He cried. "No fucking way--Toby's full of shit. Everything he told us has been a lie--eh, Ryker!"

One of TJ's friends paused to listen. "You know all those stories Toby tells us about the sub? Y'know, natural red head, nice tits? It's all bullshit. He's gay."

"TJ!" I gasped, astonished.

Ryker shook his head. "You're serious?"

"That's not what I said," I cut in venomously.

I got a side glance and Ryker smirked. "Well if the sub told you it's gotta be true--just wait till fifth period man. It's gonna be great."

Laughing the two fist bumped and Ryker moved on. TJ looked at me, still grinning broadly. "You're a jerk."

He frowned. "What? We don't care that he's gay if that's what you're all worried about. The fact he'd lie like that though... We aren't going to hurt him, just give him a little shit about it."

My mouth felt dry and I felt guilty. I had stupidly blabbed about something I had no right sharing. And damage control was far beyond my control now.

All I could hope was that it didn't come back to me.


TJ sat beside me during seventh period.

It was our final class with my homeroom teacher and 'advisor', Mr. Pearson, although he had nothing to advise me about. Our meetings were monthly and just casual conversation. Pearson was a tall man, with lean muscle but an intimidating demeanor.

"Before we begin, take out your permission slips and I'll be around to pick them up."

The rustle of poet filled the classroom as the less responsible part nights class took to searching through messy, over filled binders and the scraps at the bottom of their bags for the paper.

TJ pulled his out of his back pocket with a triumphant grin. He made a half assed attempt at smoothing it while I took out my own. The front was blank but on the back my father had written in his fancy black pen.

I looked down angrily at his message.

Mr. Pearson,
As we discussed Bailey will not be attending your trip into Central City. We thank you for the opportunity but politely decline as discussed.
William Beal

Pearson reached our table and took TJs slip. "Yours isn't filled out," TJ pointed out.

I sighed heavily. Honestly I was feeling pretty salty about the whole ordeal. While arguing with my father wasn't an option, Pearson was a different case. "I know. For a really ass backward reason too."

A few people looked at me, seeming honestly stunned. I want a loud participate and I never spoke out again authority. Pearson paused and folded his arms over his chest. "I'm sorry?"

"Sure you are." I pushed the half piece of paper toward the table edge.

Pearson slammed his hand on it before it swept off the table. "Bailey! This behavior is not acceptable. Now if your father says--"

"No," I interjected loudly. "You said. You call him and said I couldn't go."

"If you interrupt me one more time I'm sending you to detention."

"Interupt you?" I snapped. "You're the reason I can't go. Your stupid idea made it so my dad didn't let me go. He was going to before!"

Pearson's face went absolutely blank but I could see the rage in his eyes. "Go to detention Mr. Beal. I'll stop in later to discuss repercussions."

"Yeah, whatever."

I left the room in a huff as the more obnoxious part of the class hooted. "Quiet!" Pearson snapped at the door shut.

My anger quickly melted into worry.

What would happen when my father found out?

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