Thats it, ok who in death put me in primes William's body damn it. First i was put me in prime Ciel and now prime William, xD now the only thing i have in my head is paper work and overtime. Damn it xD
Leota: xD your welcome
oh yea thanks, i got to see the england dispatch reapers and an stack of paper stacked on his bloody desk how fun being a reaper >_>
Leota: do not make me put you in prime undertaker's body *teases*
No no no William's body is fine ^-^""" *fixes glasses*
Leota: I thought so xD
The funny thing is he didn't sense me ^-^" why? I dont know
Leota: *innocent look*
Bloody Mary: *in Sebastian's body, has his voice, smirks playfully* Faustus is a better butler then me, he's better fighter then me,even if some fangirls like me more then him. I am better looking then him as well.
Me Leota: *burst out laughing* xDD
Bloody Mary: *innocent look* i had too xD