
12 2 1

It happened in the blink of an eye,

The world turning to darkness.

I couldn't let out a cry,

Struck with nothing but inertness.

Sirens screamed and surround the area,

Colors flashed around in the pitch black.

It started to set in; hysteria

My entire physique limp and slack.

Pain shot through my nerves

Once I was lifted onto the cool gurney.

Transportation merely serves,

For what awaits me on my new journey.

Still trying to grasp on,

Barely conscious to anything around.

Then it finally dawned,

Thus starting the countdown.

Woken by the a steady faint "beep",

The sound of weeping filled the room.

Pain was starting to set deep,

Followed behind was gloom.

I was slipping away,

My eyes losing their shine.

Everything turning to gray,

It then ended with a flat line.

No place to go..

No place to hide...

It's unavoidable..

The inevitability of death..
Sorry this one is late, kind of...
I was gonna post it last night but fell asleep before I could..

Now I can't take full credit for this poem, I did have some help from a good friend of mine.. he gave me the topic of this poem and helped me along the way when I had trouble... So if you are reading this, thank you for your help.. I really appreciate it.

So now everyone else, I'll try to update more.. thank you for reading these.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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