Chapter 14: Drunken Dancing And Stolen Kisses.

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This is going to be a short chapter. I thought the last chapter didn't have enough Alex and Alec moment's, so here you go. By the way, play the song above, Closer to the end.

Alex's POV

Izzy is trying to persuade me to come to a dance club with her to celebrate finding the cup. I thought she grew up, but sometime's you have to break the rule's.

"Please Alex. This growing up stuff is getting boring. I need fun!" she is so persuasive. Contemplating on what could happen, I decide-

"Okay. As long as you do my make up again. I looked, dare i say-Sexy." I smirk her way. She turn's starry eyed and i can't help but giggle.

"Okay. My room. Now." She pull's me off my bed by my wrist quite roughly but who care's, I am going to have fun tonight.

Plopping me down infront of her vanity mirror, she start's to perfect my imperfect face. Within minute's of looking up, looking down, pouting my lip's, i am done.

My eye's look more sultry and mysterious making the blue in my eye's pop. My lip's look more bow like and alluring. Cheekbone's sharper. A mixture of metallic's and shadow's. Before i know it Izzy has picked a dress, way out of my comfort zone. But what the hell. Very low cut at the chest and little see through, Only come's to my mid upper thigh. Wonder what Alec would think of it.

" Do you own any dark lingerie?" She ask's and i blush at her question making her giggle , i nod

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" Do you own any dark lingerie?" She ask's and i blush at her question making her giggle , i nod. "I am going to grab them, You style your hair, preferably keep it down, maybe add some curl's, not too much. Be right back." She gracefully jog's out of the door while i sit back down at the vanity and style my hair.

Isabelle's POV

Opening the door of Alex's room, i head to her drawer's to find the dark underwear she is said she had. Opening the top drawer, Look through the underwear section (Not creepy by the way) Until i come upon a very lacy set of black underwear set, When did she get these. Do i really know Alexandra?!

Closing the top drawer with the underwear in my hand's, I bound out of the room and shutting the door to be welcomed to a tall figure.

"Alec. Hey." I say looking up. He look's down at the underwear in my hand's and his jaw drop's slightly and his eye's widen. I look down at them and look back up laughing. "These are not mine. They are Alex's." A soft pink colour raise's in his cheek's, Oh yeah he like's Alex, Time for teasing. "You like?"

"I-Uh-um-" he stutters the colour in his cheek's darkening.

"Thought so." I saunter off back to my room leaving Alec to follow me. Turning the knob of my door, Alex stood in her underwear close to my bed waiting for her new underwear to put on under the dress.

I hear a gasp behind me. I turn to see Alec behind me not wanting to look away, twisting my head to Alex i see she has pulled my sheet to cover her, Alec stumble's to his room and Alex is left blushing like crazy.

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