Chapter 6: vampires

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"I would be happy to kill you if you do not let him go!" Jace yelled.
"Careful, we don't want to violate the accords." Alec stated.
"Your sidekick is right." Raphael grinned , his fangs clearing on show. Alex heard Alec scoff at this.
"Simon the mundane for the mortal cup. The clock is ticking people. Tick-tock." Raphael warned and he was off in a blur.

Back at the institute
Alex's POV
I walk in to the institute drained and tired. I just want to go to bed. But we have to save Simon.
I feel like I am going to zone out again so I just take out my book and read for a little bit.

 As I momentarily look up from my novel I see everyone was looking at me waiting for me to follow them. I apologised and ran to catch up.

We all got in to the van and I was squished up to Alec's shoulder. I looked down at his hand, relaxed, open.
I decide whether or not to intertwine my hand into his.  What am I thinking?!?
My heart starts to pound. My palms become sweaty. My chest rising and falling faster than usual.

We reach the graveyard, before the van actually stops I slide open the door and jump out, gasping for oxygen and to cool my flush on my neck and face.

I push my hair back from my face in hope of improving it. Everyone runs in front of me instead of Alec.  I give him a small smile and walk to follow the others.  Apparently we are looking for a grave ' Mary Milligan'
I wander off avoiding the situation all together.
Clary found the grave and I jogged over acting like I was looking and actually cared.
I crossed my arms across my chest trying to stay warm. I felt goosebumps all up my arms.

"See what you need?" Jace asked Alec. 

Alec glanced into the box and shook his head. "No, I need my bow and arrows. I will go back to the institute. I will take Alexandra with me while you "teach" clary how to use a seraph blade." He explained, he turned to me and smiled.

"Thank you." I whispered towards Alec.
We walked off together. Before I changed my mind, I grabbed his hand and intertwined our hand together. I look straight forward avoiding his glance. 

I take a quick glance to the side and notice he is blushing wildly. His eyes wide looking forward. And a grin bigger than a Cheshire cats.

I smile to my self feeling confident and proud.

                      .   .    .
We arrive at the institute. I let go of his hand missing the presence of it. We go through the back door and head to the training room where all the weapons are. He scans his hand on the pad and the weapon rack slides out.

Takes his bow off the rack and a dozen arrows. He starts to rune them with deep concentration in his eyes. He averts glance to me and I start to blush and heat up.
Am I just being a mundane? Or a teenager experiencing sexual-no-a liking to a boy?

"Are you 'observing' me again?" Emphasis on observing. He cocked up a brow and smirked at me.

"Yes." I confess, averting my eyes to his bow. "Changing the subject- what could I use for my weapon of choice. All I have used is that glowing blade-" I explained to be interrupted.

"Seraph blade." Alec stated as a matter of a fact.

"Yes, that, but I was wondering if I could use a bow instead?" I asked with hope.

"Do you know how to use a bow?" Alec curiously asked arching his brow.

"Yes-." My eyes brightened and I smiled with proudness. "Simon and I went to a camp when we were 10. I chose archery and I was best, emphasis on best in the class if I do say so myself." I smile proudly at my statement. Alec laughed at me. "Why are you laughing at me?" My smile turned to a scowl.

"No I'm not laughing. It's nice when you speak proudly about something. You seem more confident. And your eyes they lit up and looked- never mind." he avert's his gaze from me momentarily and he continue's." I propose we have a competition when we get back from the hotel Dumort. Me against you. Who gets their only arrow closest to the target wins and takes the only bow in the institute. Which is mine." Alec seemed confident he would win, he probably will since I haven't done it in 7 years, but what the heck.


Deal." I say with my head up high. "But what does the loser get?" I ask.

"The loser has to say that person who wins is the best archer in the whole wide world." He grinned bigger than a Cheshire Cat and drawing a big circle in air with his arms. He could be very child-like at times which made me like him more.

"Deal." I held out my hand for him to shake.

"Deal." He shook my hand and he handed me a seraph blade since the bow was his until we get back.

"Someone is coming." Alec stood in front of the table to hide this runed arrows and bow.

"what are you two doing here?-never mind I don't want to report you" Hodge chuckled definitely trying to stay out of trouble - I was very suspicious of him.

We let out breaths that we didn't know that we were holding and sighed laughing at each other.

"Oh Alex-" Alec said suddenly remembering something.

"Yes?" I arched a brow nervously. 

"Next time you want to hold my hand-" I stared wide eyes at him waiting for him to continue. "Hold it a bit tighter." He smirked and walked off leaving me to stand there in shock. "You coming?"He shouted over his shoulder. I ran over to him blushing like hell and tripping over thin air.

                      .  .  .
Me Izzy and Alec were the distraction.
We fought off all of the vampires Swiping left and right until they were all gone. We entered the lair of their kind. 

Raphael help a blade to Simons neck. I felt my heart clench at the blood around his lips and his eyes scared like a puppies.
I looked into his eyes hoping to find an answer, he found my eyes and I mouthed, 'Are you okay?'

He simply nodded in reply as he strained away from the knife that was pushing into his neck. However, I was so focused on Simon that I had realised that Raphael was urging us to leave.

Was Raphael letting him go?

He was.

I run towards the door and get outside. The light blinds me but the air fills my lungs. I see Simon come through the door and I run towards him , tears streaming down my face.

"I thought I lost you! Your are my best friend Simon. You hear that , my best friend. I love you. I know that you promised to protect me but I think it is you who needs protecting more." I kiss his cheek and he kisses mine we laugh at each other crying . Clary then takes him out of my arms and hugs him.
I walk away not wanting to see them.
Alec and Jace are fighting again. I roll my eyes and start walking back to the institute.
                 .         .           .

The Archer And The Bookworm Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now