This Little Creep is Dig?!

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"Hello, can I help you with something?" the boy asked.

"Is Alfred Pennyworth here?"

"Who's asking?" He was squinting his eyes as if suspecting me in a murder case.

"(Y/f/n) (y/l/n)," I answered.

With the sound of my name, his eyes widened with his mouth hanging open as if I grew a third eye on my forehead.

(Y/N)'s Pov

Right now I'm being intensely stared at by a familiar looking boy. What did I say to make him like this? It's kinda creeping me out... Just as things were gonna become more awkward, Alfred comes.

"Sorry young master," Alfred says as if he's dismissing the boy, but he stays there still in a trance, so Alfred chooses to ignore him and starts talking, "Nice to see you again miss (y/n). Now why do I get this honorable visit from you?"

I hand him the pocket watch and thank you card.

"I wanted to thank you for... um... you know," I didn't feel comfortable saying the reason out loud especially with this weird kid around to hear it.

"Well, thank you and goodbye," I say slightly bowing, but right when I was half way turned around to leave, I was tackled to the ground.

It was that kid.

The little creepy weirdo was squeezing me to death. He had an enormous smile and kept giving me kisses on my cheek. I started to scream uncontrollably to get him off. It's another psycho just like that guy at the park.

"AAHHH!!! LET. GO. STOP IT YOU CREEP!" I knew I was gonna get attacked if I went to this manor! ...but I never knew it was gonna be like this! Is this some kind of new technique? After what felt like forever, I felt the weight suddenly get lifted off me. I looked up to see the man that I saw at the graveyard that was in his early 20's. Alfred was standing at the side of the entrance trying to suppress a smile.

"Dick, what's going on? Why are you attacking a little girl?" the man asked.

Hey! I am not a li- ... Hold up... Dick? As in my Dig? This little creep is Dig?!

"What's your last name kid?" I asked standing up.

"GRAYSON!" he yelled in glee.

Oh. my. gawd. It's him! Wait, no it's not! I just said bye to Dig like two days ago.

"No way! You're not him, I just left Dig at the circus a couple of days ago, and he's only six years old!"

That's when everything got quiet. Even "Dig's" smile left his face.

The man put the imposter down, "(Y/n), that was three years ago..."

I began shaking. There's no way I missed three years and not remember anything. I can't believe it. I won't!

"No. You're lying!" I said.

The man knelt down so he was at eye level, "Why don't you come inside so we can talk."

He held his hands out as if asking if he could carry me. My legs are tired and the man seems like he could be trusted, so I took the offer. He lifts me up and we go into what's probably the living room even though it's too big to be one. The man sets me on a couch and Mr. Alfred stood at the side with a worried expression. The kid that claims to be my best friend sits right next to me, looking at me with a closed eye smile. He was bursting my bubble so I scooted over a bit, but every time I moved, so did the kid, which I eventually gave up trying to get away. The man sat on the couch across from us.

"My name is Bruce Wayne. Would you like to explain the last thing you remember till now?"

I told them about how my parents and I were attacked right after we left the circus and I woke up next to my parents in front of the grave yard.

"What? Mr. and Mrs. (y/l/n) are gone?" the boy asked with a depressed look and rested his head on my shoulder.

I just slightly nodded, ignoring his actions towards me. Then I told them about the green haired freak. Suddenly the boy jolted his head off my shoulder and looked at me with eyes filled with fire, "WHAT?! That creep got near you?!" he asked fuming with anger.

"I think you go in the same category as that creep," I shot back.

The boy gasped and all of his anger disappeared, replaced with a frown and pouting look on his face. Mr. Bruce was too focused on thinking about my problem rather than paying attention to whats going on between me and "Dig".

"Oh! Oh! I have something to prove that I'm Dig!" he ran off somewhere coming back with a... necklace?

"Remember this? It's the one we both had since we were babies. See you're wearing yours now."

I looked down and what was tucked into my shirt was a necklace that matched his. How could I forget. More importantly, how could I not notice this was on me the whole time?! It is Dig! It really is! It was my turn to tackle him to the ground, and we were on the floor giggling.

Bruce suddenly piped in as if he didn't just witness the little scene in front of him, "(Y/n), I have an offer for you. Would you like to be my daughter?"

Bruce's POV

She had an encounter with Joker?! The little girl's lost and has no where to go. She's probably scared out of her mind, especially with Dick invading her space. Alfred seems to enjoy her company, so I guess I'll have to take her in. Two kids in just a couple of weeks. It's got to be a record.

"(Y/n), I have an offer for you. Would you like to be my daughter?" I asked.

She looked at me like she just won a lottery. How bad could it be? She's an ex acrobat, 9 years old girl, what the joker's got his eye on, with no memory of the last 3 years, but the problem was Dick. He was looking at me as if I just killed someone.

...I think he's been on too many missions...

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I apologize if there are any typos. Pls anticipate the next chapter)

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