Who is he?

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I went to look outside first. I realised I hadn't had a real look at my new home. I walk out the door, down the steps and towards the woods that surrounded the school. I thought this would be the perfect area to observe the school. Once I examined the school thoroughly, the song changed on my phone to Fall Out Boy's "My song's know what you did in the dark"

In front of me was a massive 17 floor building. The sun was delicately reflecting on them. It resulted the windows to show hints of silver. In the middle of them was an eating area with outside bench and a couple of trees to shelter students from the sun. It was still quite hot outside even though it was the start of September. But, I decided to not take my jumper off. The college was completely surrounded by the woods. It's a private college so they try and hide it and they have done an excellent job.

The woods went on for miles and the only way out was a small path full of stones leading over the train tracks which cut through the woods and then off to join a main road after about 5 miles away. I get out my time table and it says building 1, floor 15 and class 9 (B1.F15.C9) from most of my lessons.

I walk into the first floor and I then dragged my feet up about 300 steps. There aren't many people around just a couple reading the notice on the walls and looking for rooms. Finally, I get to floor 15. I noticed it's just an empty corridor with a load of wooden doors leading down. I walk down the wide corridor searching for my room. It was like house numbers 1 in on one side then 2 is on the other. 9 is at the back of the corridor 10 was the last room on my floor. I look through the window and it was a normal school room but just looked more mature and grown up.

I tried the door but realised it was locked so I just looked through the window. I picked out a desk to sit at tomorrow morning. If I got there early I should be able to sit there. It was perfect. Back left corner just passed where the window ended. This means I can hide if I want to disappear in to the shadows hope that no one sees me or asks me any questions. Of course I want to learn just not with people staring and judging me.

I looked at my time table again. I have English in the same building but 2 floors down, I needed to re-do English as I failed it in school. Then my last lesson which I had only once a week was music. I chose music because I thought it would be something different from my written work and do something entertaining and practical in my week. Also I wasn't bad at the drums.

My music room was in the other block. So, I head outside and into block 2. It was on floor 3 room 5. This block was pretty much the same as block 1 where my bedroom was. The bottom floor was full with single and double rooms with just a little corridor leading through and then open's up to normal school stairs. I walked up the stairs to the third floor. The song in my headphones changed to 'Irresistible by Fall Out Boy'. I looked around for my class room. I had that feeling someone was watching me. It was such a strange feeling. I told myself it just my anxiety taking over me. No one is watching me. I walked on, not turning round or turning my music down.
Then it all happened in a flash.
Strong hands pushed me.
A flash of grey, white and blue. Agony and hot spread other my back as I went crashing in to the lockers. I felt my back scrap and cut on all the sharp ages on the lockers. My headphones fell to the floor. It all happened to fast.

Panic. Anger. Confusion. Washed over me. I rubbed my eyes, pushing myself up to sit with my hands on the floor.
I saw a boy looking down at me. He had white shorts on a blue top and blonde hair but it was more grey then blonde. I was still confused, I had no idea who this guy is. "I WAS TALKIING TO YOU!" he growled. I didn't say anything I was still stunned with shock and felt like I was about to pass out. I must have hit my head with such great force. "YOU TWAT!!!" I heard another voice yell towards me. I looked up and locked my eyes with the guy standing over me. I didn't even mean to. He brought his fist back. I was about to close my eyes and accepted the hit. But, then I saw a flash of blond hair push this guy who was about to punch me, with such force he went flying over the other side of the hall.

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