Chapter 18

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Waking up, I realized that I was back in the same building where we rescued Sage.

Rubbing my neck where someone had injected me with a sleeping liquid, I scanned my surroundings.

Everyone was with me, and we were all piled up in an iron cage by the desk with the large portrait of Nathan Blackwood hanging on the wall.

Hearing a soft moan, I turned around to find Sage attempting to sit up, dried blood on her neck from where they removed the tracking chip.

"God I feel like hell," Sage said, "but then again, I'm back in hell."

I chuckled, watching as the other boys woke up.

"Why the fuck would that crazy bitch bring us back here?" I asked.

"Told you she wanted to fight on her own turf," Sage murmured, gripping the bars.

"Did we win?" Andrew asked.

Caleb rolled his eyes. "We didn't even fight, dumbass," he said, glancing at the back of Sage's neck.

"Think you can help her?" I asked Caleb. He nodded, motioning for Sage to sit by him.

Placing his hand on the back of her neck, he healed the wound so it was nothing more than a small pink scar.

"Thanks," she murmured.

"This is bullshit!" Mav cried, banging the bars. "How the hell are we supposed to get out of here?"

"It's called trying, and patience," Liam said quietly, his head on Sage's shoulder.

'That's something Maverick doesn't have," Andrew chuckled.

Snarling at the blue-haired boy, Mav paced the cage, his eyes blazing a light blue with anger.

"Okay, everyone calm down," Caleb said, clearly annoyed. "I know you guys are scared, so let's breathe."

After a few moments, Sage looked at me, mouthing, "Sing the song."

Taking a deep breath, I slowly traced the scar on my face and started to sing:

"Don't go running through the forest

Don't go sprinting through the dark

Don't go climbing up the mountain

Or the wolves will rip you apart

Soon my fragile little Ember

You will grow into a fire

Burning with heat and passion

Burning with strength and desire

Sleep now my tiny Ember

Let your dreams be bright

You will fight the darkness

By growing with the light."

Ending the song, I looked at the boys, who were calm and composed.

"What song was that?" Liam asked, sitting up and staring at me with interest.

"It was a song my mom sang to me and Sage when we were little," I explained. "She said that whenever we were feeling scared or doubtful, that we should sing that song."

"You guys are acting like getting out of a fucking cage is hopeless," Sage said, running her fingers through her dirty blonde hair. "So now you decide to give it all up? Did you give up when it took FOREVER to obtain your abilities? No! Did you guys give up when you couldn't immediately become werewolves? No! So grow a pair and suck it up!"

The boys looked at the ground in shame, realizing that Sage was right.


I looked up.

"What's your full name?" Andrew asked.

"Ember Rose," I responded, messing with the curls in front of my face. "I don't have a last name."

"Why not?" Caleb asked.

"The clan name is Nightfall, so that's basically my last name because I was born into that clan. I don't really use it, though."

Caleb nodded, putting his hand on mine. "We're here for you, Ember," he said. "Always and forever."

I squeezed his hand. "Thank you, Caleb," I said.

"I think I have a way for us to get out of here," Sage said, a sly grin on her face.

I smiled, knowing what her idea was. "Liam," I said, "I think it's time for another lesson."

Liam looked nervous, but he held his head high and nodded. "Okay."

Kissing him on the cheek, Sage led Liam to the front of the bars. "You know what to do," she said.

Taking a deep breath, Liam opened his hand, revealing a small flame. Moving his hand, he pushed it towards the bars, and started to open and close his hand, making the fire bigger until it covered the entire front of the cage.

Walking to the front of the cage, Sage started to pull the bars, but they would not budge.

"I need motivation," she said. "Someone piss me off."

"Couples who make out in public," I said.

"Oh god, gag me with a fork," Sage growled.


The bars started to bend as I continued.

"Stupid people."

"Ignorant people who don't listen."

Snarling, Sage glanced over at Liam, who walked over and started to help her, the bars groaning as they started to break.

Shattering the bars, she breathed really hard, closing her eyes. "You okay?" Liam asked.

"She'll be fine," I said. "She recovers fast."

Getting out of the cage and racing out the room, we were soon greeted with multiple guards, Rachel, and a young woman with dark brown hair and green eyes.

"Is that her half-sister, Tessa?" I asked Sage.


"Are you ready?" I whispered.

"Do I look ready?" Sage whispered back.

"Ready to die, little demons?" Rachel asked sarcastically, a red scar on her face from where I clawed her.

"Bring it, bitch," I said.

This was it. The day we've been training for had finally arrived, and there was no escaping it.

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