Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Tyler: We got in the car, and I let BK drive because I needed to read what this letter said I opened the envelope and then opened the letter there was something attached to the back of it, but I didn't pay any attention to it I was gonna look at it when I got done reading. "Tyler, I know we haven't talked in two years.. I should of never done in the first place was stop talking to you. Anyways I've been following you all over since you started touring with Jake, trying to see you or talk to you, and here you are. And you have a girlfriend. When you started the tour you didn't have one. I guess things change. haha. So, There are some things I need to tell you. and they are important. I know I should be telling you in person but, seeming your girl is always around you, I'll just tell you in a letter. The reason why I've been trying so hard to get a hold of you is because you have a daughter that's been calling for her daddy,Her name is Emleigh She's been asking for you and I don't know what to tell her when she asks wheres daddy. She looks exactly like you and has your stubborness. haha. Shortly after I left with out a word before I found out I was pregnant, you remember that night we all went out to celebrate your birthday? You and I went out by the lake by youre parents house, and we were freaking out because we thought the condom broke. Well we were right. I didn't tell you when I found out because I thought you hated me and never wanted to talk to me because I left. Now I regret that, only because I feel that seeming I didn't tell you when I found out I was pregnant. There is a picture with this letter. That's the most recent picture that I have of her. That was taken right before the tour started. She's with my mama right now back in Georgia, if you were wondering. It was my mama, that told me I should go find you, and tell you. Not that I didn't want to tell you anyways, you know what I mean though..But here's my number (random number) text me or call me when you get a chance. -Savannah" I looked at the picture and smiled, yep she looked like me but she looked like savannah alot more, there was no way of denying that child. by the time I was done with the letter we were in the gym parking lot. "Well B, you ready to be an uncle?" I laughed a little "What? What are you talking about Tyler" I handed him the picture. he took it "holy crap T, " "Meet Emleigh. My 2 year old daughter" I took a deep breath "Man how am I gonna explain this to Rylie.." "I don't know but you have an hour to figure it out." "Don't remind me"

Maci: "Uh Rylie" I looked at the test. "What" I looked up and she didn't turn around from her suitcase "You wanna come here?" she turned around and I held out the test with the results facing her. She stopped dead in her tracks when she seen it and dropped what she had in her hand. "no no no no no, this cant be happening." "Rylie calm down. It's gonna be alright. I promise" "No, you don't understand, Tyler don't want kids." "How do you know that Ry?" "Because he told me his self" she started to cry. I put the test down and hug her tightly. "If he can't accept it Ry, I'll help you take care of him or her." few mins later Tyler and Bk walked in, Tyler had a smile on his face. Rylie looked up and ran to lock herself in the bathroom. "What's wrong with Rylie, Maci" Tyler asked, all I could do is shrug my shoulders. he walked towards the bathroom, and seen the test picked it up "Please tell me this is yours Maci" I shooked my head no and he quickly knocked on the door "Rylie, please open the door". I walked over to BK and whispered "She's pregnant..and Tyler don't want kids right now." he whispered back "Well he kinda has to deal with it. He has a two year old named Emleigh" My eyes got wide, "what?" 

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