Chapter 6

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Plz comment on what you want to happen in this book bc sometimes I don't know what to write and stuff but i always have ideas I just don't know what you guys want to hear out of this so... thx for reading!

~~chapter 6~~

I woke up in the morning with a migraine, I looked around the room I was in and I saw a full length mirror next to a door that I'm guessing is the bathroom, a tan dresser with another mirror on top, another door that I'm guessing is the closet, then I looked down to see that I was rapped up in black satin sheets on a fancy king sized bed, I looked to my said and saw this really hot guy sleeping next to me, I jumped while all the memories of yesterday came flooding back to my mind as I continue looking around the room, there was brown wall paper and popcorn ceilings, clearly no girl was in on the design! Ihghuggygyygh it was ugly! Ethan stirred next to me, I looked over at him and he smiled and opened his eyes looking at me. His smile was!
We stared at each other in awe, then he stirred a little more,
"Good morning beautiful." He slurred just a tad on that last word, 'beautiful', he called me beautiful!! My mind was racing and I was pretty sure the could hear my heart thumping. We still stared at each other for another 10 minutes.
"I should get dressed, I have a meeting at noon." He said sadly, that's when I started looking for a clock, it was 11:30!
"Oh i-I-"I started, but didn't finish.
He gave me a look that meant he was extremely curious, but with a hint of confusion.

I'm sry that I unpublished all the chapters of this story without a warning, but I kinda freaked out (the reason is really stupid and I don't really want to say it) and I thought I should revise, and I calmed myself down and said 'no, there okay!' So I still haven't revised them, and I don't plan to, unless you want me to. And ik this chapter is extremely short but my explanation is 'schmoozing jsncjdnishhxbxmzuajdnjcjshehjdncnxbsmha shma' lol jk but still, I've recently been watching a lot of Netflix since my dad left for truck driving, and I'm pretty lazy and stuff, and right now I'm felling like my lil' authors note is longer than the actual chapter, lol, and the pic. at top/side, is Ethan, okay BYYYYYYRRRRIIIIEEEEZZZZZZZZZ!!!!

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