Chapter 1

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Perfect Mistake

NOTES: This is NOT a sequel to Only Fuse with You.

I do not own the characters but only the story.

Some characters maybe OOC or OTT. It is a fanfiction after all.

This chapter will contain swearing.

This will be a short story, depending how it goes...I may expand it. We shall see.

I want you...

Kiss me...

Take me...


It's normally something you may dread when you've been drinking, at the time, you don't care if you're going to be sick, you don't care for your actions...and you especially ignore the fact that you're going to have a very, very bad hangover...this was one thing that Peridot didn't think she would was the first thing she felt as soon as she was awake. Her head throbbed like her gem had been rattled for hours inside her head, how the hell was this possible? And yet, drinking alcohol made her get the same symptoms humans would have. Peridot moaned in agony as the throbbing seemed to have gotten worse as soon as she moved. She sat up, holding her head and closed her eyes, like it was supposed to reduce the pain but it didn't...she sighed frustratingly.

She then heard some clinking sounds and noticed some empty cans in front of her on the covers, some were squeezed...there was a lot. She picked one up, looking at the percentage of alcohol she may have consumed, timed by each empty can she drunk. Even simple math couldn't be answered...but instead was reading the label: A pint of Guinness contains 0.3mg of iron, less than three per cent of daily adult needs...

PERIDOT: Well, I don't feel any stronger, just sick...!

She chucked the can away and the throbbing started again. She whimpered again...but something else caught her eye...a little embarrassing as she went red...but she noticed she wasn't wearing her uniform, the only thing that covered her was a white duvet...god knows how she got it.

PERIDOT: Uh...where are my clothes? And...where did this...cover come from...?

The questions didn't have answers, she tried to remember what had happened but nothing was coming to her mind. She looked around and noticed her clothes were down below...she gasped a little as she saw herself on an upper level, in the barn and luckily a ladder was there to get down.

PERIDOT: Why...would I chuck my clothes away? God, this doesn't make sense! I can't remember a thing...

She looked around, hoping no one would be around or anyone near the barn for that matter. She wrapped the covers around her and slowly climbed down the ladder, though it wasn't easy with the sheet being thick and heavy, eventually, she lost grip to the ladder and fell down, landing hard onto the wooden flooring, though the duvet seemed to cushion the fall...not by much. Peridot whimpered again and this seemed to activate the throbbing in her head again. She gritted her teeth, cursing that the pain would go didn't.

Peridot quickly grabbed her clothes and again checked if anyone was looking, the coast was clear and quickly put her uniform back on. She walked past a mirror that was on the floor, leaning against the wall...her hair was a mess, like a bird had made a nest. She tutted to herself and sorted her hair out...eventually, getting back to her normal tetrahedron shape, it didn't take long but she wanted to know why it was like that in the first place...she couldn't think how much she consumed the alcohol considering there is no limit to being a gem but it still seems to effect...Peridot tried to think what had happened but nothing was coming back to her. If anything, it worried her a little bit...she figured the other gems might know.

PERIDOT: (Sigh) I hope I didn't do anything I'll regret...

She was about to leave the barn until just them, she heard a sound...she stopped in her tracks, the sound was of someone murmuring. She turned around a little freaked out by this...and the sound of the murmur was heard again. It came from where Peridot woke up...on the upper level...

Maybe it was the creaking of the barn. Peridot shook away the idea of denial and decided to investigate...but nobody was there, where she was lying. This freaked her out even more. She walked slowly up to the ladder and took a deep breath...and took a step by step...

I hope I didn't do anything I'll regret...

Her head was above the upper floor, she peered around but couldn't see anything, aside from the piles of hay, she found herself sleeping on. She quietly climbed on the upper floor and surveyed the area...she couldn't see a thing. She shrugged...thinking that the noise was just in her head, it was throbbing after all.

PERIDOT: (Sighs) I'm hearing things. This...alcohol does funny things...

Just then, she heard the mummer again and this time it was loud, she stepped back a little frightened and then something popped out from the hay...a blue figure, no clothes...only covered by the hay...Peridot gasped.

It was Lapis...

LAPIS: Ah, shit. My head...! What...?

Lapis then saw Peridot, she stared in horrific silence, as did Peridot...Peridot started shaking and backed off.

PERIDOT: What...w-what are you doing here?

LAPIS: (Looks down at herself) My clothes? Where are my clothes. (Gasps and looks at Peridot) Did...did we...?


LAPIS: Peridot, wait!

Peridot took one step to many going backwards and lost her footing as she fell off the upper level edge and fell straight down into the ground floor with a loud thud. Lapis crawled from the hay and looked over the edge to see if Peridot was okay.

LAPIS: Peridot...? (The green gem quickly gets up) Are you...o-okay...?

Peridot just made funny squeaky sounds, nothing that was coming out of her mouth were words but funny sounds, like she was gagging. The pain she endured from falling off the edge were long gone as she quickly ran to the barn doors.


LAPIS: Hey! (Peridot pulled open the door) PERIDOT! WAIT, PLEASE! (At this point, Peridot had left the barn) Peridot...I...thought this is what...y-you wanted...! I remember now...

Lapis sat up, hunched in a fetal position, she started to cry...eventually she got up...she then noticed her clothes were under some hay, it was quite easy to spot now, considering they were blue. She picked them up, shock the loose hay off and the clothes back on...again she sighed sadly.


Something caught her eye, there was a little red dot flash, it was coming from the end of the floor, covered in the darkness. She walked over to it and was shocked to see a camera, on a was still on, the flashing indicating that the memory was full. She was horrified as she couldn't remember it was there...but curiosity killed the cat and she decided to see what was recorded...

She pressed the screen...and pressed the play icon...

NOTES: That's it. Next chapter will be up after I complete Only Fuse with You.

Steven Universe: Perfect Mistake (Lapis x Peridot)Where stories live. Discover now