Brother of The Huntresses (Chapter 26)

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Quote: "Hope is one thing everyone can hold on to. Whether it be war, hunger, disease, Hope will survive as long as we keep it there."

The next few days seemed to be quite great to be honest. The Hunters stopped with the glares and such and were actually nice to me. I guess they hated Heracles more than I thought. The more chores I did made it easier for them, and they grew to like me. They were pretty nice, and I liked playing with some of the younger girls, and it made me feel happier in a way.

I was probably one of the only men that they considered good in the world.

We were hunting for once, as we all found a group of giants that were terrifying a mortal camping ground. It was Me, Thalia, Artemis, Pheobe, Atalanta, Tina, and another Huntress named Lily, who apparently was 279 years old in a 19 year old body.

We were searching through the forest in a group, and we were suprised as a Laistrygonian jumped out of nowhere.

"I am Rono, Prince of my pack! You will pa-"

"ONE PUUUUUUUUUUUNCH!" I shouted as I punched the giant in the stomach, and due to my strength, was able to throw him backwards into a tree, which he turned to dust.

"Really?" Thalia rolled her eyes.

"What?" I reply innocently.

"You just had to make a reference, did you?" Tina said, annoyed.

"I don't get it." Said Pheobe.

"Admit it, that was pretty cool." I say.

"Enough! Didn't you hear him? He said he was prince of his group, meaning they have a large number of giants. They must have gathered in one spot." Artemis interrupts us.

"Well, I wonder why the prince was just wandering by himself away from his group." I comment.

"Yeah, I wonder-" Tina said, but a huge arm grabbed her around her waist.

All of our heads turned and saw Tina being grabbed by a giant. She tried to struggle, but was easily outmatched by his strength. There were 3 giants, all of whom were smiling at us, as if we were their prey.

The first giant roared as he held onto Tina and the Huntresses all pulled out their bows. I didn't use Riptide, since I like having it as a surprise.

The Huntresses and I charged the giants, who charged back. The giant that held Tina stayed in the back while the other 2 charged us. I quicky summoned a fireball at one giant, turning him into a pile of dust, and Artemis and her hunters all shot at once at the other one, making another dust pile.

The first giant knew his chances, and before any of us could react, he threw Tina straight up in the air, at least 30 feet. As soon as he threw her, he bolted away from us.

Tina screamed as she was rocketed up, and I quickly used my wind powers to soften her fall, making her float down gently.

"Thanks." She sighed in relief as she was not dead from falling.

"No problem, who wants him?" I gestured to the giant that was running away.

"I got this." Thalia said as she shot an arrow into the distance.

A loud roar was heard, meaning the shot landed.
We got all 3 of the giants, but this must have been a small group that wandered off.

"That could have been bad." I comment.

"Yeah, but it will get worse from here." Artemis informs me.

"Great, now I feel super confident." I say sarcastically.

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