Control Freak (Chapter 37)

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Quote: "In order for others to believe in you, you must believe in yourself the most."

~ 2 Weeks Later ~

"Ughhhh. The anxiety is killing me! Why did he just declare war, and then go quiet for so long!?" I complained.

Today, I was hanging out with Nico for a change of pace. He said he was on break from his duties in the Underworld, so he was spening his free time at Camp-Half-Blood helping guide the newbies. 

"Sounds like you've got enough on your plate." Nico shrugged.

The both of us were leaning against a fence by the training frounds, "supervising" some campers as they hacked away at some straw dummies. They were fine on their own, we were just here to make sure nobody kills themselves for some odd reason or something.

"You can say that again. Who delivers a threat letter and doesn't go through with it?" I threw my hands at the air at Pontus's annoying antics at this point.

"Hmph. How about every Xbox, PS4, and PC gamer under 12 years old?" Nico snorted.

"I...okay, that was a good one." I pointed out. Nico grinned cheekily, as he was no longer that little boy we dragged to Camp all those years ago.

I remember how afraid and timid he used to be. It was only until he discovered his lineage and powers did he build enough confidence to break out of his shell he had put himself in as a young kid. Now he was like the rest of the Seven, a hero, and a good friend at that.

"Anyways, I get it. Pontus must've gotten a screw loose or something." He said, scratching the back of his neck. The aquatic primoridal was on everyone's mind whether it be god or camper, the thoughts loomed over all of us.

The weird thing is, the more we thought about how dangerous things were, the more it seemed distant and far away, and as time went on, we became less fearful. Again, as said before, we aren't sure if we were being cocky or if we were stressing over nothing in the first place. We haven't gotten any leads or updates on Pontus's actions, because he hasn't done...anything.

When I fought him, he was aggressive and blood-thirsty, not the guy to wait nearly a month for war. What happened to him? I wonder...

"Tell me about it. I'm half expecting to wake up tomorrow morning and eat bacon and eggs, and half expecting the continent of Australia to be submerged under the oceans or something." I sighed, stretching my arms over my head.

"Have you tried finding out where he's hiding?" Nico asked.

"Nah, I doubt I could. The dude's probably holed up somewhere far-far away, and I can't break through his type of magic at all. It'd be like looking for an invisible pin in a haystack." I said, and I received a mixed look from Nico.

"Well, have you at least tried?" He stated in a tone that indicated like I was mentally insane  or something, so I nodded quickly.

"Of course! What do you take me for?" I crossed my arms like Piper would, making Nico loosen his gaze and give a small chuckle.

"Alright, if you say so." Nico said softly as he looked out in the distance, across the strawberry fields that stretched in the distance under the blazing sun.

His eyes were dull, which was standard for a son of Hades, but he held a certain gleam in his eye. Almost a blurred shine, like a diamond with no color. I wondered if he knew how intimidating he could look if he tried, because some of the new campers feared the son of death, only to discover that he was harmless and was addicted to card games.

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