The Prologue

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~It all started in a rocky castle with a stone heart ruler. Nobody lived there besides a weird-looking man whose name was Vaati. Monsters swarm around in and out of the castle, gregariously shouting throughout the halls. They would easily get drunk, and a young boy would have to snap them back into order.
Well, he was sort of a boy; he was the shadow of the great hero, Link.
The boy's name was Shadow; a hotheaded troublemaker who really could not stand Vaati, or Ganon, for that matter.
Being the only intelligent one, or so he thought, at least, Shadow insisted on having a companion.~

Vaati: *Has his legs crossed and his eyebrows raised* Are you serious?

Shadow: *Is knelt down in front of Vaati's throne, where he sat. His head was bent down towards the concrete flooring* Yes, Vaati.

Vaati: *Rolls eyes* Come on! I'm great; all you need is me and your master, Ganon, of course. *points at Shadow and sways his finger*

Shadow: *grinds his teeth* (thinking) -I despise having to bow to a low-life such as this scum.- *picks his head up to look at Vaati*

Vaati: *smirks* Don't look so sad, I'm sure I may be able to put in a good word for Ganon. Ooh, and maybe your little buddy will be a girl!~

Shadow: *sighs* I need someone intelligent that can help me, a partner. I don't want another useless beast to look after.

Vaati: Silence! I'm putting in a word for you, and you get what I say. I doubt he'll do a favor for you, anyway, Ganon is unreliable.

Shadow: *gets up and slowly leaves because he realizes it is time to go*

Vaati: Oh, and Shadow?

Shadow: *turns around and looks back* Yes, Vaati?

Vaati: If you're ever lonely, why don't you go bother that weird blond twin of yours?

A Week Later

Shadow: *Walks over to Ganon and kneels* Master, I have done all you have asked.

Ganon: Whateves, bitch.

Shadow: *eye twitches* -I forgot, he has awkward mood swings...- You also called me here, Master.

Ganon: You betcha bottom dollar I did. Sit your cheeks down and get ahold of my smooth-ass rhymes.

Shadow: *reluctantly sits down applesauce*

Ganon: Ugly purple man here *gestures to Vaati at the right of him* told me you want a lady friend.

Shadow: No, Master, I want a partner.

Ganon: *raises an eyebrow* So you're gay?

Shadow: What?! No!

Ganon: *snorts* Anyways, eggplant, you want a partner?

Shadow: Yes, to help me straighten out the monsters and fight Link with me.

Ganon: Oh! You didn't mean partner like "gay relationship" partner, got it.

Shadow: *is speechless*

Ganon: *looks to Vaati* I didn't know our monsters were gay, either, did you?

Vaati: *shrugs*

Shadow: *eye twitches*

Ganon: Shadow, you will get a partner for yourself alright. I'll make it your sibling, since you're going through that puberty phase.

Shadow: *eyes brighten* Thank you, Master.

Ganon: Stop with those hideous words. Your voice is so annoying, I should've made you older!

Shadow: *leaves while mumbling under his breath*

~Shadow was looking outside of a window, well, it wasn't really a window. It was a square hole in the wall big enough to jump out of if you wanted to die. Of course Shadow probably contemplated it once in his life at the least; it's pointless, however, with the dark mirror.
Sometimes Shadow wished he could not be blinded by the light. Well, at least that's what he thinks.
There isn't a lot he could do being trapped in the castle during the day besides scolding monsters.
Suddenly, he heard a weird noise...~

Shadow: *perks up and whispers* Is that the new person? *moves swiftly throughout the hallways of the castle searching for what caused the noise*

Someone: *jumps on the back of Shadow*

Shadow: *high-pitch screams*

Vaati: *Laughs* Looks like your new partner found you first.

Shadow: *slowly turns his head to see a little girl on his back*

Vaati: See, we had this competition who'd find you first, and-

Shadow: *says through clenched teeth* Vaati, what the hell is this thing?

Vaati: Your partner~

Shadow: Why is it a young girl?!!

Vaati: Wow, sexist much?

Shadow: What? No! She won't help me with anything at this age!

Vaati: Oh! Yeah, you don't want a baby sister?

Little Girl: *wet willies Shadow's ear*

Shadow: Ew!! *flings The girl off of him*

Layla: *falls face first*

Vaati: *chuckles* I'll tell Ganon. *looks to the girl* Come along now, Layla, let's get you to your Master again.

Layla: *gets up and follows him*

Shadow: *when they're gone* I hate my life.

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