The Painful Voyage

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Shadow and Layla were summoned to spy on Link, the left-handed hero. Although this was definitely a way to leave the castle, there were many problems that they both would have to face in order to keep watch of Link and also not be noticed at the same time. They would be forced to remain in the shadows throughout the day, and only come out at night, when Link is most likely sleeping.

Basically, Shadow felt like this was a waste of time.

Shadow: *sighs* I don't see why we have to go out and follow Link. He's not even doing anything right now! He's not ruining our plan at all. We have no interest in pirates.

Layla: Relax, bro. We're having family-bonding time! Why else would Ganon send us away?

Shadow: Because of his horrible mood swings?

Layla: Well, that always could be... But I don't think so.

Shadow: We have the Dark Mirror to spy on Link. That's what I've been doing for the past few months now.

Layla: How interesting is he? *gasps* Oh! Is he attractive?

Shadow: *stares at Layla* Do you think I'm attractive?

Layla: Uh, ew, no. You look like a 13-year-old who found hair dye and eyeliner.

Shadow: *eye twitches* Well, Link looks sort of like me.

Layla: That's pathetic.

Shadow: Excuse m-?

Layla: I mean, don't you think that Ganon could've tried harder on you? You basically look like Link, our enemy. Isn't that a bad thing?

Shadow: *rubs temples* I am Link's shadow.

Layla: *cups her mouth with her hands and yells* PATH-ET-IC!

Shadow: *ignores the comment* It's an advantage, actually.

Layla: What, being pathetic? *high-fives herself*

Shadow: Being Link's shadow means people will mistake him for me. It will ruin his reputation. Also, I can make myself look more like him, and less like a "13-year-old who found hair dye and eyeliner."

Layla: So, Link doesn't look like he wears eyeliner?

Shadow: That's not what I meant. Here, let's teleport to where Link is.

Layla: That's not fun! What about family bonding time?

Shadow: *mumbles* Fine, I guess we can walk. It's night now, anyway. *walks out of the castle*

Layla: *follows cheerfully*

Throughout most of the journey, Layla constantly bothered Shadow about anything she could possibly think of.

Layla: Why didn't they give you a normal name?

Shadow: Define "normal name."

Layla: Well, Vaati, Ganon, and I all have a name name. You have, like, a word, or something.

Shadow: I like my name, thanks.

Layla: ... Can I call you Ronald?

Shadow: Layla, do me a favor, and shut the hell up.

Layla: Will do not!

And so, as their voyage continued, so did the agonizing pain of annoyance Shadow must be feeling at this time. Layla was a curious little girl, which only made sense, because she is new to this world. This world. However, though Shadow lost his mind that day, Layla did ask important questions, and some of which we may be asking ourselves.

Layla: So, if you're a shadow, and we're relatives, does that make me a shadow, too?

Shadow: I guess so, yeah.

Layla: Well, if so, that means I must be the shadow of someone, right?

Shadow: *pauses* Well, when you put it like that, yeah, you'd have to.

Layla: So, would it be another hero? Like Link? Does Link have a sister?

Shadow: I don't think so, no.

Layla: How crazy is that?! There's another me somewhere here!

Shadow: Oh, my-

Layla: You know what this means, Shadow?

Shadow: It means that there is two of you, which means I am going to die.

Layla: With happiness? I know! Me too! Screw Link, I think we should go and find me!

Shadow: No, Layla-

Layla: *runs off*

Shadow: Wha- *yells* LAYLA!!!!

Layla: *runs out of sight*

Shadow: Damn brat! Get back here! *goes after her*

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