The start

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Brie pov
"IM DONE DANIEL DONE!!!"I said I was packing my stuff to stay in the hotel that the superstars and divas are staying while I was about to leave but Daniel grabbed my arm and spun me around and said "don't go I love you " I said "you were cheating on me you don't love at all " I ran until I reached the hotel I ask the the lady at the front desk of what room dean is staying in "may I know who is asking" she said " h..his girlfriend" I hesitated saying that beacaus E he is my best friend and we started wwe together he is dating Renee young one of the most beautiful girls in WWE. I made it to deans room he opened the door without me even knocking "no wonder my spidey senses were tingling come in Brie" I laughed and then started crying. I tried to explain to dean but words  couldn't come out "Brie what's wrong?".......
Hope you guys enjoyed don't forget to


Bye love ya'll 😍😘❤️

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