Chapter One

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~ Y O U ~

I ran, and I didn't stop. Even though I was running out of breath, I pushed myself farther.
I never want to see that house or what lies in it ever again...
I can't live like this, with all the horrific memories.
The blood...
The death...
I can finally escape it...
But why didn't I before...?
Was I that useless that I stopped trying...?
That JERK...
He made me feel this way...


And I can't help, but blame myself for it...

I can't help but blame myself for letting my mother die.

I can't help but blame myself for taking beatings from my
'Father' because I'm a 'Freak'...
'Waste of time'
But I really am all of those things huh...?




I broke down crying.
I fell to my knees and sobbed quietly, gripping my hair tightly.

I stood up and looked around while crying still. Everything was blurry, but I can make out some things. The sun was going down and luckily I packed a flashlight, along with clothes, a toothbrush just in case, ect. Though I planned on ending my life I still didn't know how.

Well that was till I found a huge hole.

Huh... Looks big enough to kill someone, right?

I sighed as I peeked in a little more. I then grabbed my trusty friend 'Mrs. Cut' Because why not...
I then dragged the small pocket knife across my arms and legs. I let the blood drip as I pulled up my sleeves and pulled down my pant sleeves too. I put my knife back shakily.

Then I finally Jumped.
Letting my eyes close as darkness took me in.
The last thing so remembered was a 'thump' sound I made from falling.

Then I became unconscious...

"Huh?" I looked around until I realized that I tried ending my life... Which failed...

"But..." I pulled up my sleeves and looked at my arms. The blood was dried out.

That should've been enough cuts to let me bleed out to death...

I sighed and stood up, noticing that the flowers must have broken my fall. I walked around a bit more until I saw a flower.
Now, if it was normal, then I would keep walking. But no, this 'flower' Has A MOFO FACE.

"Oh... Another human?
Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!"

Right off the bat I know I can't trust this guy. Or girl...


"Um... Well... You're New to the Underground Aren't cha'?"

I nodded my head and he smiled more.

"Then I guess lil' Ol' Me will have to do!"

Uh... Do I run or stay?

"H-Hey! Where are you going?!"

I kept walking until I hear him yell one last time: "JUST SO YOU KNOW. IN THIS WORLD ITS KILL OR BE KILLED!" I heard creepy laughter that sent shivers down my spine.
I looked behind me for a quick second and then I bumped into someone.

"Oh my! I am so sorry My child!"

She has a motherly feel too her...
Maybe I should trust her.

"I-It's Fine..." I didn't make eye contact with her.

"Oh dear. Did I hurt you anywhere?" She touched my shoulders making me jump back.

"I'm s-sorry.... I don't like physical c-contact..." She nodded and apologized.

"Well My Child. My name is Toriel, May I know what yours is?"

Should I tell her?

Maybe I should make-up a name?

No... I shouldn't.

I hate lying.

"My name is Y/N." She smiled and nodded.

"What a wonderful name my child. Well My house isn't far from here! I'll show you you're new room first, or you can take a shower first."

"I think I'll shower first. Thank you."

"No worries. We are almost there!" As we kept walking I grew tired.
Considering I didn't get much sleep on the surface.
I yawned as we finally got to her house.

"Come, I will show you where the shower is."

"Okay. Thank you again..."
She held my hand and showed me where it was.

"I will go make a pie. See you later my child."

"Okay. Bye..." I sighed and closed the bathroom door. I started the shower and waited for it to heat up.

When It did I got in and let the water hit my back, washing off dirt.
I scrunched up my face slightly as I felt stinging on my arms and legs.

I let the dried blood run off of my skin. I washed my hair and body and shut off the shower. I grabbed the nearest towel and dried off my body.

Once my body was dried off I quickly put in my f/c hoodie and my pants on. I let my hair air dry and walked out of the bathroom to get hit with them smell of Cinnamon and Butterscotch.

I walked closer to the smell to find Toriel cutting up a piece of Pie. She turned around and jumped a little. I smiled and she giggled.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Haha. It's okay. I just didn't except that." She smiled and I smiled slightly back.

"I made some Bscotch, and Cinnamon Pie. I didn't know what you liked, so sorry if you don't like either... But it's worth a shot right?" I nodded.

"It's okay. I like both!" Her eyes then twinkled slightly.

"Oh great! Please have some then!" She smiled and gave me the piece of Pie from her hands. I took a bite and My eyes widened.

This is really good...

Just eat slow so you don't seem like a slob...

"This is really good Mom!" My eyes widened and I put my hand over my mouth. She looked at me surprised.

"Did... Did you just call me 'mom'?"

"Yes I did... I am SO SORRY!" Tears were threatening to come out of my eyes but I held them back as best as I could.

"No, actually It's fine! Call me whatever you'd like!" Her smile widened as I calmed down.

I awkwardly nodded and kept eating. When I got done she showed me my room. I said goodnight to her after I brushed my teeth.

I face planted onto the bed and sighed. I got under the covers of the bed and immediately fell asleep.

Will I be happy here?

Will I finally be happy?

Will people accept me?

Will they judge me?

I can't help but wonder what awaits for tomorrow.

"It's sad when you get hurt so much you can finally say 'I'm use to it'."

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