Chapter Five

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~ Y O U ~
P: "Here you are! My Famous Spaghetti!~" He smiled as he sang those words. I looked down at the plate in front of me.

It actually looks... Good...

I twirled the fork into the spaghetti and put it in my mouth. My eyes light up.

It Tastes really Fucking good too!

"Papyrus This Is wonderful!" He smiled and blushed lightly.

P: "Finally Someone likes it!" I smiled softly, I then heard a door opening. I looked to see Sans, he stumbled around makeing me laugh quietly.

"I see you're finally up. How are ya, Bone Head." I heard Papyrus sigh as Sans chuckled sleepily.

S: "I'm great thanks for Askin." I nodded as he sat down with his 'eye sockets' closed. He rested his head in his hand.

"Oi! Ever heard of manners?" He jumped slightly at my outburst, making me chuckle.

S: "What do you mean?" He raised a 'brow' and looked at me. I pointed at his 'elbows'.

"No elbows on the table. C'mon even your Brother knows this!" I pointed to his brother. He rolled his eyes and took his 'elbows' off the table. He rested his arms in his lap, which bothered me more.

"Dude. C'mon Just Do this!" He looked at the way my arms rested and followed.

"Good." I sighed and continued to eat my food. I heard a soft chuckle from him as I remembered something.

I forgot the pills...
I was prescribed
'Anti-Depressent' pills, but they don't do anything...
They did once, but After a while they started to have no affect.
And no after all these years I just got use to it.
I guess you can say I'm addicted.
But I'm sure I'm not.

I stood up and walked to the couch, which is where I put it last.

Where the fuck is my bag...

"Hey uh... Papyrus... Where... Um where is my bag?"

P: "In your room! Well... You're sharing a room with Frisk... If that's okay with you..." I nodded.

"Fine with me... Is Your room right next to Sans room?" They nodded and I immediately started to walked there.

I walked up the stairs and walked to our room. I opened the door, Holy craps was it spacious. The walls were painted blue, and the beds were I assume King size beds. No idea why the beds are so big, but I'm not complaining.
There was a desk with a lamp and papers scattered across it. I finally saw my bag on a bed, that I assume is mine...
I opened my bag and searched for the pills, I stuffed the bottle into my pocket and looked around more.
I opened the closet and HOLY...

It was a walk in closet, half was of Frisks clothes, and shoes, other half was empty.
For this house looking smallish, this room is pretty big!

But if Frisk wants to get back to the surface, then why all of this?

I sighed as I finally walked out of the room and returned downstairs. Sans was on the couch with Frisk, Papyrus was in the kitchen.


I grabbed my water and popped the pill into my mouth. Not noticing Frisk right behind me. I put the pills back in my pocket and turned around. I jumped when I saw Frisk. They Smiled.

"Whats that?"

"Um what? This?" I patted my pocket. I saw Sans look at us from the corner of my eye. They nodded and I sighed.

"Anti-depressant pills, though they don't do anything for me I still take 'em." They nodded and walked back to the couch.
I yawned and so did Frisk. They glared at me, and I laughed slightly. Knowing very well why.
I pulled out my phone to see That I've gotten some messages.


From Chara: "Where the bloody Hell are you?! And no I don't care if I seem British! You missed Knife practice today!"

From Chara: "You better not have committed suicide, you know for heaven's sake I'll go up there and beat your ass for missing this practice." I smiled slightly at this

From Chara: "Look Y/N I assume you went to Mt. Ebott for this shit."

From Chara: "You made me miss my fuckin chocolate."

From Chara: "Nevermind I have some right here I'm sorry. I'm going to Mt. Ebott to look for you."

From Chara: "You better be fucking alive."

From Chara: "Dude HOLY SHIT! I jumped down and this goat looking Dude is like the father I never had! Hahah!" *They sent a selfie*

From Chara: "Oh shit! Look! This lil' cutie calls himself the Great Sans!~"

From Chara: "He's Adorable RIGHT?! AWWW I MIGHT DIE FROM CUTENESS!~"  I raised a brow

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From Chara: "He's Adorable RIGHT?! AWWW I MIGHT DIE FROM CUTENESS!~" I raised a brow.

This looks like Sans... And his name is Sans...

From Chara: "I'm not the only Human here. A girl named Hannah. She's actually much like you! I told her about you and she said she'd like to meet you."

To Chara: "Well that's nice to hear. I met some new friends too."

From Chara: "Finally you answer! I began to become worried."

To Chara: "Huh, funny you're usually never worried."

From Chara: "Exactly. But I'm kinda tired. So Night I guess."

To Chara: "Okay I am too.
G-Night Yo."

*End of Messages*

I sighed and put down my phone while rubbing my eyes.

"Tired?" I nodded as they smiled slightly. They put their finger up to their lips, signaling that I need to be quiet. I nodded as they signaled me to go to them.

"I'll take the legs you take the arms." I nodded again as they picked up Sans legs, and I picked up his arms. His head moved to the left. I smiled slightly. We carried him to his room, which was surprisingly cracked open.

They opened the door with their foot and walked backwards to his bed. We switched sides and set him down on his bed. I let go of his arm, until he grabbed my wrist gently. I looked back at him to see him shifting his legs.

S: "Please...don't leave....mee..." I looked at Frisk, who smirked and pushes me lightly toward Sans again. I looked back as they shooed me to go stay with Sans this night. I blushed lightly and Frisk closed the door.

Only the gentle light from the moon came in the window. I looked at Sans face, he looked distressed. I sighed and looked closer at his boney body. That was until he pulled me into his ribs and snuggled with me, resting his head on mine. I blushed again.

Ugh why me...


"Dear Heart, Please stop getting involved with everything.
Your job it to pump blood that's it."

Stay Alive (Sans X Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now