Chapter Twelve

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"In another life, Ichimatsu, you were different. You were once the only person a certain yellow man loved to death as his brother. He cared so much about what you were going through, yet you never cared to stop. You let your mind take control over everything. You didn't care to turn around and see that, even if it was just one person who cared, THEY cared for you! Is that not enough? Millions upon millions of people may never even KNOW you existed, Ichimatsu, but your existence mattered to one human being. Were you so WEAK that you couldn't stay just for them? Keep on going for them? You've been so selfish, but what can you say? Nothing, that's what. You can't say a single thing, Ichimatsu. You are the most selfish human being I have ever come across. Even then, are you even human? You're so dark and cold-hearted now, that I don't even know who or what you are. No human has ever been such way in my eyes. I used to be able to find the good in everyone. But you, you're different. You're just trash. Trash that should have been taken to the dump long ago..." a quiet voice whispered in Ichimatsu's ear.

Ichimatsu stumbled to his feet, sighing as he looked up at the bright blue sky.

"Is this a dream...?" he asked himself in his mind. But, of course, since it was a dream, his thoughts because real words that slipped off of his sharp tongue.

"Of course it is," the quiet voice replied. "If it weren't, I wouldn't be hear. None of this world be. Take a look around, Ichimatsu Matsuno. Look at all there is in this world."

Darkness surrounded Ichimatsu, sweeping him off of the ground and transporting him to the top of a skyscraper.

"WHAT THE HECK?!" Ichimatsu screamed, quickly backing away from the edge as a sudden gust of wind his his back.

"Is something wrong, Ichimatsu?" the voice asked, letting out a small chuckle. "Do you not like heights?"

"Like heck I don't!" Ichimatsu yelled, his face turning as white as a sheet.

"Don't look down. Just look at the world around you," the voice ordered gently.

Two warm hands firmly rested on Ichimatsu's shoulders, holding onto him so the wind wouldn't knock him down.

"What am I supposed to even see?" Ichimatsu mumbled. "I just see tons of people, buildings,"

"Exactly!" the voice cheered. "Now, try to count the people!"

"I can't!" Ichimatsu spat. "There's too many of them!"

"Yes, there are. I'm glad you can tell. But tell me this, is killing yourself really worth it? Look at all the people you could meet right now, or even in the future, become great friends with them!"

"I know a way I can meet them even faster," Ichimatsu rasped, a devilish smirk falling across his face. "I could just jump off this building and fall on top of them. They'll see me then, won't they? I'll be interacting with human beings, won't it?"

"Ichimatsu..." the voice sighed angrily, and a wave of darkness crashed around him again.

Ichimatsu squinted his eyes shut, wishing he wouldn't be taken to a stupid mountain or anything like that.

And as it turns out, Ichimatsu's wish came true. But instead, he had been taken into a very familiar place. Far too familiar...

"Hey, Osomatsu! Pass the sauce, will you?" Karamatsu asked.

"Sure!" Osomatsu laughed, handing his brother the bottle of sauce.

"So, Choromatsu, have you found a part time job yet?" Todomatsu asked, a sly smirk on his innocent face.

"No, not yet," Choromatsu replied, stuffing a potato chip into his mouth. "I'm still looking though!" Choromatsu held up a magazine full of part time jobs as if to prove what he said was true.

"Hey, nii-san! Let's go sit on the roof! The sunset is going to be really pretty tonight!" Jyushimatsu exclaimed, laughing as he walked around Ichimatsu, waving his arms in the air.

"Sure..." Ichimatsu mumbled in reply. Of course, this was an Ichimatsu from the past.

The real Ichimatsu was watching everything from above, trembling at the sight.

"What the heck is this..." Ichimatsu spat under his breath, watching Jyushimatsu and Ichimatsu walk up to the roof.

The two sat down and began to talk.

"So, nii-san," Jyushimatsu began, sitting down on the roof. "Do you ever wonder what life even is?"

"Yeah..." Ichimatsu mumbled back. "Life is a beautiful lie, and death is the painful truth. Both things happen, but one will always last longer. That, of course, is death. Death is an eternity. That's what I want. I want to be left alone for all eternity. But...something were to ever happen to me by accident, I wish I could have a second chance at life. Even if I may forget the past, I always want a second chance, you know?"

"Wow, Ichimatsu nii-san! I don't think I've ever heard you say that many words at once!" Jyushimatsu laughed, hugging Ichimatsu tightly. "So, if you die before your time is up, like when you're still young, you would want a second chance?"

"Mhm.." Ichimatsu mumbled, looking up at the sky. Out of nowhere, six birds seemed to appear. Ichimatsu blinked his eyes and shook his head, thinking he was hallucinating. But, of course, he wasn't.

"I just hope, if something ever does happen..." Jyushimatsu said, his voice suddenly very serious sounding. "That you won't forget. If you ever forget though, Ichimatsu, I'll still be here! I'm always here for you! Even if you hate me to death, I'll never leave you! You're my best friend after all!"

Darkness surrounded the real Ichimatsu again.

Something about what he had just seen seemed very real. Almost like it had happened before, but he couldn't remember at all.

"What was that for?" Ichimatsu mumbled to the voice.

"I just thought you should see that. I'll leave you alone for awhile now...have fun dreaming of depressing nonsense later..." the voice replied.

Ichimatsu awoke.

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