Chapter Thirteen

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Ichimatsu made his way out of the public bathhouse, sighing irritably as he walked down the street. It was a good feeling to be clean again. But, of course, he had only done this so he wouldn't lose his job. He needed more cigarettes.

Ichimatsu slumped down on the ground outside of the cafe, burying his face in his arms as he drew his knees up towards his chest. The sun was already high in the sky, and Kanola was even later than normal.

"Tch...she doesn't even care that some people need breakfast and coffee before work each day? Seems just like her...I've already seen tons of people walk pass me that could have been customers. In fact, I'm pretty sure they WERE customers. Their faces looked familiar to me. And it's rare for me to pay attention to details like that...I think."

"Ichimatsu! I'm sorry I'm late!" Kanola gasped, running around the corner. Her entire face was as white as a sheet, and her voice sounded a lot weaker than normal. Not to mention, her hair seemed thinner than it had been before the weekend.

"It's fine..." Ichimatsu mumbled, standing up as Kanola unlocked the cafe door.

As soon as Kanola shut off the security alarm, she turned around with her hands on her hips, giving Ichimatsu what some people might have called the "Mom stare".

"Would you mind telling me why you were passed out on the side of the street last night?" she asked, putting her signature Cat Cafe apron on.

"Does it matter?" Ichimatsu mumbled, a sickening knot tying in his stomach.

Kanola picked up her broom and handed it to Ichimatsu.

"It matters to me very much, you delinquent piece of trash!" Kanola snapped, but her pale face showed noting but concern for her employee.

"Why?" Ichimatsu asked, staring at the cafe tile floor as he gripped the broom tightly.

"Because, since nearly everyone in town knows you work here, it wouldn't be very good advertising for the cafe! I don't what people to think I have some piece of trash human being here! This is supposed to be a calming cafe that's extremely safe feeling to people!" Kanola sighed, shaking her head with her eyes closed. "Just go sweep outside and set the sign up. Today's special is our special mocha flavored pie."

"Okay..." Ichimatsu mumbled, walking outside. He did just as Kanola ordered him to, then went back inside the Cat Cafe.

He fed the cats, played around with them for a bit, then sat down at one of the small cafe tables in the back of the store, staring out the glass window.

"Hey, Ichimatsu nii-san!" Jyushimatsu's hyper voice suddenly rang out in the Cat Cafe. Several cats scattered away from their beds, hiding here and there.

"What now..?" Ichimatsu muttered as Jyushimatsu ran towards him.

"How are you today?!" Jyushimatsu asked excitedly.

"I'm fine..." Ichimatsu lied.

"Are you sure, nii-san?" Jyushimatsu asked, sitting down at the chair across from Ichimatsu.

"Yeah, I'm sure..." Ichimatsu mumbled back.

"I'll be right back, Ichimatsu! I have something I want to give to you!" Jyushimatsu exclaimed, running out of the cafe as fast as he could.

"Who was just in here, Ichimatsu?" Kanola asked, walking slowly out of the kitchen. Her eyes looked weak and tired.

"It was Jyushimatsu..." Ichimatsu replied.

"Did he want anything?" Kanola asked, sitting down at the counter in front of the glass case of baked goodies.

"No..." Ichimatsu muttered. "He said he was coming back in just a minute though..."

"That's wonderful!" Kanola laughed. "I hope he tries some of my mint cookies again today! They seemed to have turned out marvelous! So soft, a little minty, but not too extreme. And the chocolate chips are simply divine!"

"Oh..." Ichimatsu mumbled, laying his head back down on the cafe table, sighing quietly.

"Have the cats been fed?" Kanola asked.

"Yeah..." Ichimatsu mumbled.

"Great! You can probably go home after lunch then. I don't have that much to do today. Plus, I have an important appointment with someone," Kanola exclaimed.

Jyushimatsu opened up the Cat Cafe glass door slowly, walking inside carefully again. His arms were full of tons of cat things. Walking towards Ichimatsu with a huge smile on his face, a single tear ran down his face.

"This is for you!" Jyushimatsu laughed, handing a white cat to Ichimatsu.

The cat purred loudly and curled up in Ichimatsu's lap immediately, falling fast asleep.

"This is also for you!" Jyushimatsu said, placing a bag of cat food, a green feather cat toy, a cat brush, and a small cat ID collar on the table.

"What the heck is this?" Ichimatsu mumbled, his eyes widening. "I can't take care of this cat! If that's what he expects me to do, no! I can't! I can barely to care of myself!" he thought.

"His name is Harvey! And he's yours now!" Jyushimatsu said happily, turning around and walking out of the shop. "Bye bye, Ichimatsu nii-san!"

"I can't do this! I can't...this cat will die if he's with me! Harvey though? That name seems so a close friend almost. Harvey. I've seen this cat before. I know I have..." Ichimatsu thought, picking up the cat, staring it in the eyes.

"Mroow!" the cat mewed, then began to purr.

"You're a sweet kitty, aren't you?" Ichimatsu though, a small smile appearing on his face.

"Oh, wasn't that nice of Jyushimatsu!" Kanola smiled. "I guess you should be off to home now! It's almost time for lunch anyways. Goodbye, Ichimatsu! I'll see you soon!"

"Bye..." Ichimatsu mumbled, picking up all of random cat items Jyushimatsu had given him.

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