Flannel Pannel

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This is what Ava wears to the panel and breakfast!

I sit there on my bed. Me, Jared, Misha, and Jensen were in a car accident and only one of us survived. Me. I was so alone and it didn't end pretty. I start shaking and jump when I  hear a knock on my door.

I mumble a come in but I just can't stop shaking. Jared comes in and sees me shaking. He rushes over to me and he holds me while I blink back tears.

"Shh it's ok, what's going on Ava?" Jared whispers and I look up at him. I  feel like my emotion switch turned off and I stop shaking and shrug him off.

Jared looks at me confused.

"Bad dream that's all" I mumble and Jared holds my hand.
"Y-you were in it, so was Jensen and Misha" I mumble and Jared hugs me.
"We were in a car accident, I-I was the only one who survived" I start to shake again in Jared's arms and he holds me tighter.
"Hey look at me, I'm right here, Jensen's meeting us for breakfast, and Misha...well he's being Misha" Jared says and I look up at him.
"God I'm so dramatic" I say and hug Jared.
"What no you're not" Jared hugs me and he pulls away.
"Yes I am, I'm sorry let me put on something and brush my hair then we'll go" I whisper and get up to get my clothes.

I grab a flannel, a black t-shirt, and black shorts and I walk to my bathroom.

Once I get changed and I brush my hair I walk out to see Jared talking to someone on his phone.

"Yeah we'll be there in a minute...ok bye" Jared says and hangs up the phone. I walk over to my shoes and start putting them on when Jared speaks up.

"Um Ava" Jared clears his throat and I turn to look at him.
"Yeah?" I smile.
"I'm sorry but your not going out like that" Jared laughs and I raise an eyebrow at him.
"Like what?" I ask looking at him in disbelief.
"Those shorts are to short...I don't want every guy coming up and hitting on you" Jared says and flashes a cheeky smile and I raise my eyebrow at him.
"Really...oh you're serious!" I say then sigh.
"Well I don't have anything else but shorts Jared" I say shaking my head.
"Fine just put on these, it should help" Jared says getting up and going to my suitcase. He brings back a pair of knee high socks and I put them on.
"Wow thanks Jared" I mumble sarcastically and Jared pushes me playfully.

I finally get my shoes on and I put on a beanie then we leave.

We walk to the car and I clear my throat. I'm just a little bit un easy about being in a car right now and Jared notices. He takes my hand and I look up at him, he smiles and I'm forced to give a small smile, then we get in and go to the local breakfast place.

(At the breakfast place!)

When we get there I could feel a lot of eyes on me and then I realize I'm still holding Jared's hand.

I slowly look up to him and I try to tell him to let go with my eyes and it works! Yes, finally something goes right!

We walk up to the booth that Jensen is sitting in and he looks annoyed. I sit down and Jared does to.

"What took you guys so long?" Jensen whisper yells and I flinch. I smirk and look up to Jared.
"He wouldn't let me leave!" I say as I point at Jared and Jensen looks at Jared.
"Why?" Jensen asks and as soon as he says that, a guy comes over to the booth.

"Hey, names Josh Elkins, and you are?" The guy 'Josh' says and I clear my throat.
"Uh, Ava...Ava Carter" I say and he smiles. I notice Jared and Jensen are having one of their eye conversations and I sigh.
"Nice to meet you Josh but if you don't mind I'm kinda busy" I say shyly and his smile drops.
"Oh yeah of course, just wanted to say hi" Josh says and walks away.

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