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(This is what Ava wears for the sleepover! Just imagine gray sweatpants)

I had to be at set really early this morning to finish camera angles and shoot a scene called "my story". Today is my last day at set for this week and I'm kinda sad because I won't get to see the boys for 2 days! Now I know that doesn't seem like a lot but I have no friends in Ohio except for the cast so I will most likely be alone.

When I get to set the sun was just beginning to rise. That should be illegal....making me wake up and act.

I get out of my car and it's very quiet so I just keep to myself and get ready. After I get ready to do the scene I head back to my trailer and go over my lines because I didn't know if the guys were there yet.

I must have fallen asleep because I felt someone waking me up. I slowly flutter my eyes open and I see Jared standing there with a smirk on his face...ok. I looked at him for a second and he smiled not saying anything so I grumbled about 5 more minutes and I turned over to the back side of the couch so I couldn't see him then he spoke up.

"Ava we have to film.....Ava.......Ava don't make me tickle you" Jared whines but I'm already fast "asleep".
"Ok but just this once" Jared huffs and picks me up bridal style. I giggle a little bit and he looks down at me and I look up at him and smirk and so does he then he speaks up still walking and carrying me.

"You know I could drop you any time I want" he says and my eyes go wide and I latch my arms around his neck and he laughs.
"Please don't" I whisper and he laughs again.
"Your adorable when you're sleepy" Jared giggles and I push him playfully.
"Shut up" I grumble then put in my head on his chest and go back to sleep.

Jensens pov------

I see Jared walk up to set with Ava in his arms and she's asleep. While Jared got closer to me I smirked so when he finally reached me I spoke up.

"Hey your hands full I see" I laugh a little bit but smile and Jared gives me a "really" look.
"Ha ha ha, Jensen but do you want to take her I still have to get into my costume and we start shooting soon" Jared asks and I nod and he gives her to me. She literally weighs like 2 pounds no wonder why Jared was carrying her.
"Hey she asleep or is she faking it?" I ask smiling.
"Well she was at first but now she's really asleep" Jared laughs and walks away.

It was about five minutes of me just sitting there in my chair with her in my arms. The camera crew took pictures of her and me and told me that it was going to be on the gag reel. I was watching the camera crew set up when she starts moving and she opens her eyes and I smile at her.

"Hey J" she yawns and blinks a few times.
"Hey Sweetie" I say and she sits up and gets off of me stretching.

{Ava's pov}

When I got up and stretched a bit. I go to my chair and pull it beside J's and smile.

"Hey so when do we start shooting?" I ask yawning again.
"About 2 minutes...have a good nap?" Jensen asks smiling.
"Yeah but wasn't Jared carrying me?" I ask confused and he laughs a bit.
"Yeah he had to go get his costume on so he gave you to me" Jensen says and I smile.
"Thanks J for ya know not waking me up" I say and he nods then Jared walks up and sits down in his chair. As soon as I lay my head on J's shoulder the director says get to our marks.

"Oh come on" I grumble and Jared and Jensen laugh but I stand up anyway and go to my mark.

(The scene was just camera angles so I'm just going to skip it and they also done Skylars story scene)💙

After we were done shooting me and the boys went back to Jensens trailer.
I was on the couch when my phone started to ring and it was Brady. Of course I didn't answer it and he called again.
Now makes the 10th time he's calling, as it starts ringing Jensen jumps up from the couch scaring me and then Jared jumps up to.

"Ok why aren't you answering that stupid thing!" Jensen yells at me. He sounds pretty mad when Jared cuts in.
"Ava if you don't answer it I will" Jared raises his voice and I feel like I can't breathe. I look down at my phone and slowly answer it.

"Hello" I chirp out trying to calm down.
"Why aren't you answering your phone!" Brady yells I guess loud enough for the boys to hear and there faces turn from anger to confusion then anger again.
"Because Brady I don't want to talk to you I'm busy and I have a life unlike you" I mumble into the phone. The boys come sit down on the couch with me and I get up.
"Your just a stupid little girl no one wants you in there life and I'm not trying anymore!" Brady yells into the phone then hangs up and I can feel tears brimming my eyes. I feel someone pull me back down and into their lap and a couple tears fall. I could tell immediately that I was in Jensen's hands and I felt safe.

After a few minutes of not speaking I break the silence of me getting air and Jared starts rubbing soothing circles into my back and I sigh.

"I'm free" I whisper and turn to Jensen and he looks confused and I give a small smile.
"What do you mean you're free?" Jared asks and I look at him and smile.
"H-he called me names and then said that he's done with me" I sigh and smile and Jared and Jensen hug me.
"That's great sweetheart but those things he said, you know they're not true right?" Jared asks and I sigh.
"But they are" I shrug and Jensen and Jared sigh and shake there heads.
"No, no they're not" Jensen says in a serious tone and I sigh.
"Ava...I don't know what he said but I can 100% tell you it's not true" Jared says pulling me to him.
"We'll see" I whisper and Jensen starts playing with my hair. He knows that calms me down so I guess that's why he dose it.

"J I'm sleepy I need to go home" I mumble and he nods. Jared jumps up and scares me and he looks excited.
"I've got it!" Jared says excitedly.
"Got what?" I ask confused.
"Well we don't have work tomorrow and me and Jensen don't want to leave you alone tonight so how about a sleepover?" Jared suggests and I raise my eye brow at him.
"Really Jared a could have called it anything but that" Jensen rolls his eyes.
"B-but don't you guys have plans for tomorrow since it's our day off?" I question looking at Jared and J.
"Nope we're all yours for tomorrow" Jensen says popping the p.
"W-well ok then I guess you guys could follow me to my house" I shrug and get up from the couch.
"Great we'll go get our clothes we always bring extra for set just in case" Jared says and I nod and we walk out of the trailer.
I wave to them and tell them that I'm just going to wait in my car and they nod so I walk out to my car.

I wait for the boys about five minutes when they finally walk out and we all leave to my house.

When we pull up to my house I immediately tell them that sorry for the mess because it's just instinct. After I unlock the door I tell the boys to make themselves at home and I go change.

When I get down stairs I see the boys changed to and I sit down on my couch.
"Well what do you guys wanna do" I shrug and Jensen and Jared sit down to.
"Netflix?" Jensen suggests and I nod and so does Jared.
"What do you want to watch?" Jared asks turning on the tv and putting it on Netflix.
"Doesn't matter what about you J?" I ask turning my head to Jensen.
"Maybe.....a scary movie?" Jensen suggests and I agree so Jared puts a scary movie on and we watch it. Also I am in the middle between Jared and Jensen...Jared on my right and J on my left.

After the movie was over Jensen was asleep so I move to go get me, him, and Jared a blanket. When I got back I see that Jared is asleep now so I put a blanket on him and whisper a thank you and goodnight to the boys and then I go to my room.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out. I finally felt happy because I was free of Brady! And I have two best friends ever! I can't wait to go to the pound tomorrow! Oh I forgot to mention that I'm getting a dog! It's so exciting!!!

Hey guys! Hope you like this chapter and yes! She's free from Brady! I'm also wanting to put in a little more drama to make it more interesting what do you think? Don't forget to comment and vote on this story if you like it! Sorry I kinda had writers block! Bye!!💙💙

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