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Sexuality is something everyone has. If you are gay, straight, bi, pan, ace anything.

Sexuality is inevitable and although everyone has one, people will be ridiculed for their sexuality.

If someone is gay there will always be someone to tell them that it is wrong.

If someone is asexual someone will tell them that they just need to be helped.

It seems that being straight is still classed as "better" in a way.

But what if the world switched. What if everyone was born gay, and being straight was "bad". Everyone would deny the fact that being straight would be "disgusting" and "abnormal ".

Everyone has a sexuality. And I don't care if you fine someone who is gay disgusting. If you tell me that I will probably punch you in the throat because you're opinion isn't relevant.

Accepting someone's sexuality and being there for them is important. The amount of people who have lost their lives because they think that there is something wrong with them because of what someone said to them is sad. No one should feel like that and being a douche bag is no excuse for someone being their preferred sexuality.

If you need to talk about anything hmu bro I'm here for you all

L8er m8s

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