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;p Anjanika \ Sanjana XD



'Man... I love travelling but why is packing stuff such a pain.' I mentally groaned. Let's check one more time... 

Toothbrush.... check
Wallet.............. check
Dresses............ check
Laptop............. check
Charger........... Charger?

"Shit!" I screamed, waking my roommate up in the process.  

"Anjanikaaa...! Will you please let me sleep!" She groaned, "Stop screaming, for god's sake!"

"Sorry, Maya... Just a few more minutes and you'll be free of this irritating roommate of yours." I said in a low tone, not to hurt her or anything, but to assure myself that I won't be a burden to her anymore, to anyone anymore.

"Anjanika I didn't mean that... I'm sorry...." Maya said peaking apologetically from her sheets.

"Oh, shut up! If you're awake enough, please just help me search for my charger. That's the only thing left."

"Yeah, sure!" she sprung out of her bed rubbing her eyes and started fondling things in the mess of a room we had. After about seven excruciating minutes of delving into the muck accumulated in the gap between the beds and the wall, looking into every improbable place that we could think of, out she came out with "Did you look inside your backpack?"

"Are you like dumb? Obvio!"

"No, I mean... I had borrowed your charger on Friday evening, and since you were out with your 'boyfriend'," she air quoted, "I just shoved it in your backpack. Not to bother you."

"You...... You'll pay for this!" I pretended to be annoyed and threw a pillow at her. Long story short, twenty minutes later, no one could've recognized the mass of wild hair we had become.

After confirming I packed everything and nothing was left behind, I bid Maya farewell and rolled my luggage out of the hostel room.

"Take care... Keep in touch... And call me." she asked.

"Yep... And don't forget that you have to come to Mumbai and meet me! I will be waiting for your visit. Don't forget to take your medicines, and don't fight with your mom for silly things, okay?"

"Yes Mom!" she mimed.


"See you soon..."

And I rolled off in the cab waiting at the hostel gate.

* * *

"When are we going to start!" I groaned for the nth time.

"Babe we will when it is scheduled," Arav said.

I pouted like a five-year-old who didn't get her candy. "But...it is taking too much time," I whined. He shook his head but I didn't miss the smile he tried to hide.

And then finally the announcement was made and boarding started for the flight to MUMBAI.


"KARAM... Stop being a girl." I gave my throat a bit of pain so that this idiot could get some brain inside his thick skull.

"Jeez! Woman calm down!!" Harsh, (Karam's twin) complained coming out of his room. Shit. My cheeks, my OWN cheeks betrayed me, heating up like a radiator.


"Harsh can you put on some clothes, please?" I composed myself, resisting the urge to drool over him. What can I say, he is so hot!

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