8 - What We Had Is Still There

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"So what do you study here?" Gabe asked. "Did you end up doing law?"

"No," Sam said. "Art actually. I did have a reason for being in the art building that wasn't stalking you."

"Oh yeah sure you did kiddo."

"You still call me that but come on, I'm taller than you."

"That means nothing. You're still younger. Kiddo."

Sam glared at him. They were walking around the college campus. Oh and guess what, the author just remembered that it's actually winter right now. You've had your summer fluff. Let's have some winter fluff.

It was pretty decent for a winter day, the skies were somewhat clear. Still cold though, a chilly breeze brushing past them.

Both Sam and Gabe were wearing thick jackets, their hands stuffed into their pockets. Sam was smart enough to wear a scarf. Gabe less smart.

"So you're doing music," Sam said.

"Woah stalking me much Sammy?" Gabe said with that smirk Sam had missed so much.

"I'd planned on saying something to you," Sam said. "But no I ended up standing awkwardly in the hallway outside your classroom."

"Oh that," Gabe said, smiling. "I was wondering what the hell you were doing. You awkward person."

"Shut up," Sam said, nudging Gabe softly.

"Hey it's true. The fact that you're tall too just makes it adorable." Gabe smiled as he saw Sam blush lightly.

"But anyway, you play guitar?" Sam said, Gabe's smile just widening at his attempt to change the subject.

"Yeah I do," Gabe said. "And I sing a bit. I love it, really."

"Ever written a song?" Sam asked.

"A few," Gabe replied, before smiling teasingly. "Maybe I'll play one for you one day."

"You can't just say that and then not play one for me," Sam said, pouting.

"Oh I totally can," Gabe said with a smirk. "Or I could use it as leverage to get whatever I want out of you..."

"Well if you want something, all you have to do is ask."

"And if I wanted you to kiss me right now?"

Sam smiled softly, expecting that, and took a step closer to Gabe to close the distance between them. He had to lean down so much now.

Gabe was smirking when he pulled away. "Are we still doing this in the wrong order?"

"You keep starting it," Sam said, smiling. "Stop flirting with me and I'll stop."

"Oh who ever said I wanted you to stop? Besides, it's in my nature."

"I figured," Sam said. "Really it just seems to have amplified over the years."

Gabe went to smirk again but a thought crossed his mind and his expression immediately fell. Sam noticed and gave him a curious look.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Like we've all been saying, five years is a long time," Gabe muttered. "I did some things I shouldn't have and I'm not proud of them."

"Oh...well if you've moved past that, then everything's fine. Do you...want to talk about it?"

"Maybe some other time," Gabe said. "Can't I just enjoy your company now?"

A Winter Storm (SEQUEL to A Summer Dream)Where stories live. Discover now