Chapter 19: The Unown Attack

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Chapter 19: The Unown Attack

I woke up the next day having slept by the others on the path. It was very quiet, with a soft wind that shook my fur a bit. It was a kind of eerie wind, like something bad was going to happen.

"Hello." said Misdreavus' voice from behind my. I turned to see a very healthy, awake Misdreavus. "Well you look good." I said wearily.

She smiled. "Yeah, I had a good sleep. Sorry about leaving you to fight off that Noctowl. You're not hurt, are you?" I shook my head. "No, I'm fine. Tired, but fine." I said back to her.

Misdreavus smiled again. "Good. Anyways, I haven't really learned much about you." she said. "I know where you live and what happened to you, but do you have a last name? A pet? Do you like to do anything?"

At the first question, I gave a surprised look. I had the stupidest last name anyone could imagine. "Well... It's..." I sighed. "Numm..." I said finally.

Misdreavus just shrugged. "That's fine." she said. She opened her mouth to say more, but she was interupted by an ear splitting scream echoing across the entire area. Metapod and Beedrill woke with a start. "What was that!?" I shouted.

My question was answered, for a huge swarm of Unown were zooming in the direction of Violet City. What was worse, to my horror, they all had piercing blue eyes. "They're..." mumbled Beedrill. "Hurry! Let's get to Violet City!" I shouted, interupting him.

Everyone bolted towards Violet City. We had to stop whatever they were going to do before they did it. As we got to the city, however, we realized we were too late.

There were Unown terrorizing people and pokemon everywhere. There was one 'Y' Unown continueusly throwing Ancient Power attacks at one human boy. Another 'G' Unown was ramming into a Magmar repeatedly.

"Hey! Over here!" I shouted to them. They wouldn't listen at all and just kept attacking. "Let me try." said Beedrill. He flew up towards one and hit it with Fury Attack. That was a huge mistake, as all of the Unown turned towards him. "Uh oh. Help, guys!" shouted Beedrill, already getting covered with Unown.

Help him. I will help you. said a voice. "Who said that?" I asked out loud. Metapod looked at me, confused. "No one said anything! Come on, let's help Beedrill!"

I tried to shake it off, but the voice spoke again. They cannot hear me, for I am speaking to you telepathically. Go help your friend. It said.

I just shook it off and jumped at Beedrill, who was at a low altitude and covered with Unown. The townspeople all watched as I tried to bite the Unown off of Beedrill. I made a huge gash in one 'I' Unown and put huge bite marks in another 'V' Unown. I needed to get through to Beedrill. I needed to save him.

But then, a strange sensation came over me, like all the blood in my body was boiling. It burned so hot that I screamed, but instead of my voice, a humungus beam of energy shot out of my mouth and completely incinerated the Unown, but left Beedrill unharmed. He fell to the ground, where my friends crowded around him. But then, they looked up at me with wide eyes.

I was still in the air, floating. I don't know how, but it was happening. What you have done is a measure of my power. said the odd voice, popping back into my head. We will meet again.

With that, the voice faded, and I fell the short distance to the ground. "What happened!?" shouted Misdreavus, but I bumped her away. "Let's just go." I said, nodding to the townspeople, who were petrified.

As everyone nodded, (except Beedrill, who was out cold) we ran out to the path. With a short meal, which was very quiet, we were on our way to the Ruins of Alph. Everyone asked me questions, but I didn't know what to say. Who was communicating with me? How would I explain this? But I would find out sometime on my adventure.

Not today, not tomorrow, but sometime.


It's............ the afterword!

So long story short, I finally made a new chapter. (Yay!) Charlie is yet one step closer to destroying the Blue Shard.

But who was this voice in Charlie's head? How is this being able to connect to Charlie telepathically? And will the gang destroy the Shard before it's too late?

But anyways, not many comments still, and the CCC is still running. If you would kindly make a character then I'd be happy to put him/her/it in my book.

Again, Charlie and I extend our warm thank you's to our fans, so thank you for reading! If you like it, comment and maaaaayyyybe vote! :)

See ya later, Feraligatr!

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