Chapter 1

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I slam into a parking spot two minutes before the bell rings and mentally beat my self up for waking up late. Running into the school and making it to class would be just to easy wouldn't it? As I run past the office the principal stops me.
"Vena could you come into my office please?" He ask but I know it's not a question. I groan before turning around to go in. I fall into he chair dropping my bag with a very audible sigh.

Dramatic. I know.

"So Vena how are you doing?" Mr. Carter ask walking in and shutting the door
I shrug letting him know Im not in the mood for small talk. He sits behind his desk and stares at me. Of course I'm not going to back down so I meet his stare and hold it. After thirty seconds though it gets real weird and he looks away.
"I called you in because we have a new student and since you are one of our better upperclassmen I thought you would be a great person to show him around. He is already in your 1st period so it would be easy." He says with a smile.
"No." I reply bluntly. I've made it how long in this school avoiding other students I don't have time for this.
"Mrs. Blackwell I really....." He starts but I cut him off.
" I really need to get to class. So if you don't mind I'm leaving." I don't wait for a response as I run out of his office to go to class.

When I get to class the teacher is already knee deep into notes. I mentally curse the principal while walking to the back of the classroom. I take my seat pulling my journal out and start to scribble down my notes. Before I get even a few words down I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn ready to glare at whoever taped me but stop when I see it's a new boy.
"What." I whisper so the teacher doesn't hear.
"Umm the bell is going to ring in a minute and I have no idea how to get to my next class. Also  was also going to ask if you could catch me up in this class because lost doesn't even begin to describe where I am." He ask me.

It's chemistry. Not that hard.

"Umm actually...." I start to tell him I can't but he cuts me off. Rude.
"I mean it's ok if you can't I'll figure it out I'm sure someone here could." He starts to lean away but I stop him. I know I know he made me feel bad.
"It's fine just give me you schedule after class." I say. Continuing to work. He gives me a lazy smile before staring at his paper. 

Why can't I stick to no?


After taking the new boy, Logan, to class I went along my day avoiding attention as usual. I agreed to let him come over and I don't know why. Something about him felt familiar. There is something different about him but I can't even figure out what it is. I'm driving my car back to my house with him following. I feel crazy nervous having him come to my house. If my dad is already home it won't be good because lately he has been on edge. I ask him what's wrong but he just smiles and says it's nothing. Pulling into the drive way I sigh in relief when I notice his car gone. Walking inside I take off my shoes and throw down my bag. Logan slowly follows me inside before coping my actions but he also takes of his hoodie. I haven't seen anyone than the ones I work with have so many tattoos. Both of his arms have full sleeves. I quit starring and grab some cookies and hop on the counter. Logan follows me in and stares at me as i shove the third cookie in my mouth.
"What?" I mumble where he can barely understand they words I'm making.
"Are you going to share?"
"No lets get to work." I say jumping off the counter.
Two hours later I finish helping him. He throws his pencil at the door when he finishes. Right before it hits the door opens and the pencil hits my dad in the forehead. He glares at Logan before walking all the way in.
"Hey Vena. Didn't know anyone was coming over." He says giving me a pointed look.
"I was leaving Vena was helping me catch up on work since I was new." He says.
"Thanks for helping." He says getting up and grabbing his work and walking to the door. I stand up and follow him. 

"Yeah no problem I'll see you later." I say closing the door behind him. Turning around I go to talk to my dad but his is already upstairs. 

Why does he keep acting like this?

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