Skeletons can talk?

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(Im in love with this picture like seriously oh right story time let's go)

Grillby made me a hamburger and made me drink more water it was honestly the best thing I have tasted in a long time minus the grease. A skeleton walked through the door and looked at me he was not very tall but I wouldn't call him short he looked mean and only had two white pen-pricks for eyes Grillby smiled and gestures for the skeleton to come over to me he's cute you have to admit he walks over.

"Grillbs you forgot to clear out the customers there is one still here"

He's joking right? You can't tell but you sink further into your seat and Andy growls under the table. Grillby explains why I'm here and the skeleton looks annoyed.

"Grilbs seriously?" * he looks at you and walks towards you he sits down on the other side of the booth and folds his hands under his chin. "Ok sweetheart this is how it's gonna go" he grins at you and you shrink " you are going to tell me your name why your here and how you got hurt I'm going to help you out and that's it ok yes now don't speak unless spoken to I'm not gonna hurt you but I hate humans so don't try to be my friend alright I'm gonna ask questions and your gonna answer without arguing simple yes?"

You nod and clear your throat awaiting your first question. He grins at you and stretches out on the booth
"My name is Sans what's your name?"
You don't want to tell him you shrink and shake your head he looks annoyed.
"Speak human .... listen we aren't gonna send you back home ok?"
You sigh and fold your arms ignoring him you close your eyes and feel him jerk your chin up he's over you your eyes fly open and he stairs you down.
"What's your name...I won't ask kindly again"
Grillby puts a hand on Sans's shoulder and he backs down you clear your throat again
"Can it even talk Grilbs?"
You feel anger swell in your chest.
"Its name is (y/n)  and she can speak just fine thank you"
Sans turns back to you and smiles happily satisfied with what you said.
"So she can speak alright then (y/n) pretty name tell me why are you here"
He didn't specify so you sit up straight and smirk.
"Because grillby brought me inside"
Sans chuckles and sits back down calmly and folds his hands under his chin again.
"How did you get here?"
You smile again this is fun. "My dog Andy drug me here"
Sans laughs and shakes his head.
"No I mean why did you run away from home (y/n)"
You feel nervous and look around this isn't fun any more why did you speak to him in the first place. He's looking at you giving you all of his attention he grunts getting impatient and you squirm around in your seat.
"Gr-Grillby c-can I have some w-water please?"
You ask your voice is shy and afraid again and you sink away Sans's expression changes completely and he looks confused. Grillby leaves and comes back with some water you sip on it and your stomach churns anxiety overwhelms you and you feel sick. You sip on your water some more and Sans cocks his head to one side.
"So quiet all of a sudden aren't you (y/n) you are nervous did someone hurt you did something happen?"
You look up and he looks kind and not so scary anymore you nod and sign hoping he can read sign language.
*my father*
That's all you can sign before you start crying Sans nods and hugs you.
"Geez kiddo you sure know how to pull on someone's heart strings so your father did something don't have to tell me we can talk later come on I will take you to my house you can stay with me and my brothers."

He sounded so sincere he didn't say something like you can stay until you can get on your feet or you need to figure this out on your own....he claims to hate humans yet he hugged you and told you he would take care of everything. He pulls you up and you scream in pain whenever you have weight on your foot and fall back into the booth your tank top rides up exposing your stomach and you quickly pull it down. Sans's cheeks are a faint yellow and your guessing it's blush he clears his 'throat' and looks at Grillby.
"You didn't tell me her ankle was broken Grilbs"
Grillby shrugs and mumbles an apology then sans bends down in his knees and unwraps your ankle and looks at the hole in your leg he flinches and puts both his hands over it you wince at the pain and stiffen he looks up at you with a grin.
"Don't scream relax I'm helping"
He says and a yellow aura surrounds your ankle and it stops hurting he lifts his hands and it doesn't even look like a scar is there you stare at him dumbfounded and he helps you up again there is no more pain in your ankle and you walk around Andy perks his ears up and gets up walking around next to you.
"Feeling better kid?"
Sans says with a sly smile you nod and hug him he carefully takes your arms and holds them to your sides.
" I don't hug humans....that was a one time thing ok kiddo let's go home"
You sigh and look at the ground shifting from foot to foot.
"S-sorry" you mumble and he nods heading out of the building with a little jerk of his head telling you to follow.

(Sans pov)

When I walked into Grillbys and saw a human girl sitting in a booth I was shocked. I looked at Grillby like what the hell man you know I hate humans why did you wake me up to come help one. I sighed I needed to keep my cool and besides this human looked different she looked more like me dark broken lost...afraid so I decided to help out. The girl wouldn't stop looking at me like she was really curious about me or something she had a dog under the table I could smell him from the entrance. I hate dogs more then I hate humans but I was trying to be nice so I talked to Grillby and sat down to talk to the girl. She was afraid of everything she flinched whenever I moved my hands to rest my head on them she wouldn't even speak to me I started to wonder if she even could.

When she finally said her name I was shocked her voice sounded so hurt so broken so used it sounded sexy to me. (reader-Chan you know your voice is on point) she kept joking around avoiding my questions then whenever I asked flat out what happened she started crying. I don't know why I did it I didn't like her at least I didn't think I did but I hugged her then later on she tried to hug me after I healed her. Oh heck no not happening I can't have some clingy human hugging me all the time so I made her stop and she looked hurt and that made me feel like a jackhole. Papyrus is gonna freak and as for sans.....well he's gonna have to keep his grimy curious hands to himself because she's staying with us. I have decided she's mine and nobody is gonna hurt her like that again....or so I thought

(Well there ya go we have Sans in this now and just to clear it up gaster Sans will be capitalised like this Sans and regular sans will be lower case sans .....get it ....even the little ones? Ok next chapter might be out tomorrow or later today it depends on how I'm feeling about it Kay okay byyye.)

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