Dead, or Not

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AN-The only one of these people whom belongs to me is Moon, everyone else was designed either by one of my friends, or for one of my friends. Prompt: people all over the world suddenly stop dieing all at once, what do you do?

I was STILL fighting the same beasts I'd killed 15 light sabers were still doing damage, but the beasts wouldn't stay dead. It was ridiculous, Heather, my friend had been knocked out, and I was trying to keep the beats away from her. Then I felt a searing pain in my gut, and looked down. My gut and lower rib cage had been sliced open, the giant claw mark was dripping blood, GREAT! I glanced over at Heather, she was still out cold, good. The longer they thought she was dead the better. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, folding my hands together, pressing my pointer fingers together, my thumbs against my mouth, pointer fingers against the bridge of my nose and focused. I both fainted, and was teleported into the realm of Death, standing at the castle gates. What else was there to do, these doors are normally keep open, 24/7, so, I knocked loudly on the door.

I spent about a year living here after an 'incident' with the daughter of death and the sun of life, Emerald and Crystal. The door creaked open, and I was faced by a skeletal guard, well, actually, he's the butler.

"Lady Moonlight," He greeted me "Lady Emerald isn't seeing anyone. I'm sorry you wasted this trip."

"Out of my way, Gorge. I NEED to see her, it isn't dangerous for me to go in. You know that." With that I pushed past him and entered the castle. I ran through the throne room, Death wasn't there, so I didn't stop. Blood still seeping out of my body, onto the floor...sorry Death. Then along the upstairs hallway to the room I once shared with Em. I knocked on the door as hard as I could "EMERALD OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She was in the room, I could tell. When she didn't open the door, I rolled my eyes, crouched down, and picked the lock. She was sitting on her bed, on the messy half of the room, in full Skeleton form, she hadn't bothered to create her exo-skin when I knocked. My side of the room was still clean, and my stuff still floated about halfway up the wall for some strange reason. "Em, what's going on?" I was leaning against the wall, I still had my arms clamped over the wound, but was still struggling to remain awake, let alone upright.

"Moon, why have you come here?" She didn't turn to face me.

"Because I'm dieing! As will Heather, and if you don't start doing your job, we'll be eaten alive. I cant die until you do your job, but neither can the beats I've been trying to kill, the ones that want to eat us for dinner." She turned at this, and saw the gushing wound in my gut, the pool of blood I was standing in, finally the fact I couldn't stand with out the help of the wall.

"If I do, then I'll have to collect your sol...that wound is bad."

"I know that!!! If you don't, Heather and I will both die, because I won't be able to save her, or worse, WE'LL BE EATEN ALIVE!!!! Look, whats the worse that can happen to me? You know as well as I do, Death won't send me to the fields. I'll go back to hanging with you. Besides, I'm willing to sacrifice my self for Heather, I'm content to. Please, you have to save her...only you can..." She stared at me sadly for a few heart beats, then nodded. Her exo-skin flicked into sight, she came over, garbed my hand and warped back to the battlefield where Heather was, still out of it. Em grabbed her syth from her back and was instantly in action as I fell to the ground, and brought my knees to my chest, trying to stop the blood flow using pressure. Em's movements blurred, with one hand she wiled the syth with extreme skill, I smiled, remembering when I used to be better at it then her. Her other hand was upheld, collecting the sols of her vanquished foes.

Heather woke as the fighting finished, she can't see Em, so she ran to me. "Moon, Moon, look up...come on, stay with me! I can't loose you!" She helped me sit up, trying to keep me awake, and applying pressure to the wound.

"It's OK, Heather, it's alright. I'm not going far, I'm not leaving, you aren't loosing me. You just won't be able to see me." I was hardly awake, Em was crouching by my side too, behind Heather, she'd put the syth down, and I didn't see it. Heather hugged me, and I warped my bloody arms around her too, wincing as I did so.

"I'll get the first aide kit, I'll get you patched up." She was sobbing now, I reached up and wiped tears from her face, as best I could.

"I need the tank, Heather, you know that. The first aide kit probably won't be enough." Em kinda smiled, sadly, behind her, and shook her head.

"Moon, I'm gonna let you stay, Heather can't loose you, anyway, it's not your time, but you can't tell my dad about this." The world faded into black around me.

I woke in the Tank, a breathing mask over my nose and mouth. Everything I could kinda see was tinted blue by the bacta sounding me. Heather had fallen asleep in a chair next to the tank, she had bacta bandages on her arms, legs, and like two on her lekku(For those who don't know, Heather is a Twil'ik). I smiled at her, knowing she must have patched me up the best she could, carried me to the meeting point, and called the ship to come get us. I couldn't see Em, so I guess she did say she would spare me. She must have gone back to work, I hope. I closed my eyes and passed out again.

I woke in my tent back at our campsite, Heather was asleep in her bed, my wound was almost healed by the bacta, but there was still a bacta bandage warped around the entire area. I still got to my feet, wincing in pain, but undeterred. I made my way outside, welcoming the cool air, Rex was sitting watch, but he didn't try to tell me to go back and lay down, he just nodded to me. I smiled in response, then looked up at the crest of the hill, there, set against the fading colours of the sun set was Em, I couldn't make out details, but she was leaning on her syth, her skirt and hair flowing out to one side, she didn't have an exo-skin, best I could tell. I could feel her smile and returned it. "Thank You, Em, I owe you one." I whispered into the wind, she shook her head and disappeared.

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