Showing off the stuff

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Each girl has a different color. Rose is red. Lily is black. Celia has white. And Izzy has purple. It is short sleeved and a little bit longer in the back.


Chapter 17

Soon, the car was parked in front of the mansion. The guys helped the girls take their bags to their own rooms. They would like to put the clothes away  in their own drawers. The Charlotte Rouse bags lay on the beds for the girls to go through. They all went into living room after putting all of their stuff in Izzy's room. Well only the Charlotte Rouse bags, as well all know. 

As the girls enter the living room the guys are whispering to each other. 

"Yes, we set up the rooms, right? Is everyone's room set up?" Chris asked the others. 

"Yup!" they replied happily

By then,Celia had to sneeze so, the girls back up about 2 feet from the kitchen and Celia let out a little baby panda sneeze. The guys tensed as the girls entered as if hearing nothing at all. The guys softened under the pressure. They thought someone hurt one the girls. But it was just Celia sneezing. 

"Hello ladies. How was the unpacking?" Asked Justice.

"Great! Hows was yours?" Answered Celia.

The guys tensed and then relaxed. The girls looked up at them with innocent eyes and small smiles. The guys was mesmerized by them. 

"What do you girls want for dinner?" Franklin asked.

"OOO! Can Izzy cook her spaghetti with the honey butter biscuits and whatever vegetable she makes because she always make a vegetable?" Lily and Celia squealed at the same time.

The guys chuckled as Izzy's face turned into a tomato. 

"Sure! If she wants to?" Chris answered with a wink thrown at Izzy making her face turn an even redder red than before.

Where's everything i will need. And i hope you have everything or we will have to go shopping." Izzy answered.

"Trust me, you will find it." Rei answered. 

The girls walked into the kitchen with the guys leading. Izzy pushed the guys out her way with wide eye and agape mouth. She loved the kitchen they had. It was something she would see on TV and dream of having.

"I think i fell in love." Izzy whispered with a small smile.

"Hey! what about me?" Chris exclaimed faking hurt.

"Well, i like you but we will find out how great your kitchen is. Now, everyone get out so i can cook in peace. Please?" Izzy said firmly but with playful dancing in her eyes.

The others went into the living room to watch tv. Izzy went straight to work while humming a song her mother used to sing to her. 

20 minutes later, Izzy was calling the guys to set the table dinner will be down in 5 minutes. They do as she said while the girls get the silverware and napkins. The table is set in 4 minutes and Izzy was bringing out the spaghetti, and sides with her magic trick. As the food is in front of everyone, The girls thanked Izzy and started getting food. The guys did the same moments after the girls finished. Izzy got her food last. The girls waited to see what the guys reaction was to Izzy's food. 

"Holy, Mother of Jesus!" the guys exclaimed at the same time. 

The girls giggled and continue to eat their food. It was light chat and laughs as always. Everyone teased Rose about last night and gossiped back and forth. Once everyone was done the guys took the plates and cleaned off the table. The girls went into the living room for a while. 

Before soon the girls wanted to go 'talk' to Izzy in private. The girls told the guys and they understood. They went upstairs and into Izzy room.  

The guys are in for a surprise. 

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