Chapter 2

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Fast paced, the two who happened to bump into each other walked on. A cackle was heard in the girl's direction as she held her stomach as she was laughing so hard. "Will you stop mocking me?" Karkat growled putting his hands into his pockets as if sort of embarrassed

"Hahaha! How in the hell could I not laugh?" Terezi asked, trying to stop her laughing so she could talk better. After a minute of deep breathing, she then settled down her laughter. "I cant and cant believe that Kankri lectured you about being late for class.. causing you to miss two!" She grinned, chuckling lightly


"Terezi" She corrected.

"...Pyrope." Karkat started again, making the ginger groan. 

Before the angry brunet could finish, Terezi cut him off. "You'd laugh if Latula lectured me through about two classes" This time it was Karkat's turn to laugh

"You know that she sure as hell wouldnt do that" He pointed out the obvious. "She's WAY too laid back and acting all 'rad' and 'cool'" He used quotation marks

"She is rad thank you very much" Terezi countered, putting her hands into the pocket of her teal hoodie

"Riiiiight" Karkat rolled his eyes as he looked forward, pushing his slightly messy hair back. "But yea," He stretched, looking back at the girl. "I would laugh at you if you got lectured by Latula. That would mean you'd have to really piss her off" He fought back a bit of laughter from imagining it. 

Terezi rolled her eyes then looked towards the school, not looking at the dark skinned male any longer. She then looked ahead, seeing the small school of Alternia High. She let out a soft groan then chuckled, her pale blue eyes looking away as the slowly began turning. "Hehe.. Weeelll... I better get going now!" She then fully turned around then began walking away until Karkat grabbed the back of her hoodie, keeping her from moving.

"You're the one who wants to be a lawyer" He sighed. "You do  know that you need good grades to get into law school right?" He raised an eyebrow, looking at her."

The ginger straightened her posture, turning around then grabbing Karkat's hand, forcing his hand off her hoodie, giving a soft groan. "Why must you be right for once.." She grumbled, walking towards the school, putting her hands back in the pocket of her hoodie as she then started walking towards the school.

"Terezi, lets get this straight" Karkat continued walking with her. "I am always right" He told her sharply which made Terezi laugh.

"Oh right, like your choice of movies for John's movie night?" She raised an eyebrow, walking towards the school's door and reaching towards the handle of the door

The brunet let out a soft scoff. "That movie was a great movie thank you very much" He had a satisfied look to him, a soft victorious grin

"Dude. it was the fucking Notebook" She spoke flatly, her eyes looking into his.

His grin soon faded as he returned her gaze. "That was a great ass movie!" He countered

"It sucked." Terezi spoke bluntly with a flat tone to her voice.

"And Dragon Heart was terrible too" He insulted, giving a soft 'hmph' as he leaned on the wall. He seemed to be pouting.. wow.

She let out a soft gasp, putting the hand that was on the door on her chest. "Karkat. Karkat" She had an insulted tone to her voice. "Dragon Heart was a fucking AMAZING movie." She stated. "Everyone will agree to that" She then reached towards the door once more.

"Whatever Pyrope-"

"Terezi" She corrected

"Whatever Pyrope," He started again, causing Terezi to roll her eyes as she opened the door. They walked into the building then looked at the time. "I better get to class before I'm late" He then groaned as he realized something. "My brother is most likely going to lecture me if I am since he knows everything somehow" He sighed then began walking down the hall, waving his hand as he left

Terezi began walking away, giving a yawn then heard the familiar lisp of one of her friends. "AA I thwear.." He face palmed. "You jutht had to take that "thort cut" didnt you?" The groan was heard near the door as a somewhat tall boy with heterochromatic brown and blue eyes was clearly annoyed by the slightly  smaller black haired girl who had a large grin upon her face.

"Come on!" She nudged him with her elbow. "It was an adventure!"

"You and your god damn adventureth.." He began rubbing his temples as the girl hit him in his arm lightly 

"Yep! Me and my adventures" She said as she kept her grin.

"Well your wonderful adventureth almotht made uth late again, AA" He sighed softly, taking a deep breath to calm himself down, pushing his glasses up

The girl known as Aradia rolled her maroon eyes then looked away, seeing the familiar ginger. Aradia's grin widened as she pushed the ranting boy away, his pissed off look showing. "Hey, Terezi!" She then walked over, hugging the redhead  then letting her go. "You 'thaved' me!" She made a mock lisp that made Sollux cringe. 

"I fucking hate you, AA" He groaned lightly, looking towards the brunette. 

The girl let a laugh escape her as her grin stayed. "I love you too, Sollux" She said teasingly, leaning against a nearby wall.

"Hehe... Sooo..." Terezi cleared her throat. "How have you two been?" She asked, trying to stop the bickering.

"AA woke up later than the thould've and I had to get to get her and her brilliant  idea wath to take a random thort cut." He explained, casting a soft glare to Aradia. "It turned out that the 'thort cut' wath going down a random alleyway." He sighed lightly.

"Aww stop being so grumpy!" She nudged him playfully. "You got to explore things with me and admit it! You enjoy exploring things with me!" She raised an eyebrow at Sollux who rolled his eyes. 

"Well me and Karkat woke up late a bit late too" She shrugged.

"But you alwayth make him late" He told her flatly.

Terezi blinked then slowly backed away, saying nothing. "Terezi where are you going?" Aradia asked as she slowly backed into another hall. 

"Class." She spoke quickly then walking into the classroom. 

"Geez, I guess thats her way of saying: I didnt do anything" She chuckled lightly, looking over at the Gemini beside her.

"Yea, thath TZ alright" He shrugged then grabbed Aradia's sleeve, walking down the hall. "Leth get going to clath." 

"Alright alright! You dont have to drag me y'know" She glared lightly.. that didnt stop Sollux from dragging her anyway

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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