☕️Zero ; ( A change to my username? )

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OHAYOU :' guys I've been thinking should I change my username? ' I mean @lack_Toast_tolerant umm.... I've been known for that name but I'm thinking about changing it?? BUT if I do change it what should the name be

' I was thinking stuff to match my profile pic and background ' because I fell that now I've grown on Wattpad my pictures are more based on art than just fun and bright.. And before I used to just put ANY picture down but now I think about what looks right and stuff(¿) WERID?? To be honest I think beanpaii  's style has rubbed off on me ( Arigatou) Maybe yea but I changed my name {not user name } because me and my mom had a lively conversation drinking coffee together and I think the moments like that really are refreshing especially when you day has been ruff ^_^

' I'm getting of topic ^^" '

Also guys so this song has OFFICIALLY gotten stuck in my head but I think my Favorite thing about this song is the video how the pics/ images are beautiful

Reol - ChiruChiru
' Reol is one of my favorite singer next to BTS , Exo , gumi ( vocaliod) , and Juby '

I_Drink_Coffee_For_Your_Protection * lightbulb * my teacher in school had a little sigh think on her desk that said that but that's to long for a username?? Is it??

@beanpaii you good with creative words do you have any suggestions? Also I fond out what your Ellipsism cover name meet (I was looking beautiful words and found out) and was said that's what Beanpaii 's cover says

@beanpaii you good with creative words do you have any suggestions? Also I fond out what your Ellipsism cover name meet (I was looking beautiful words and found out) and was said that's what Beanpaii 's cover says

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I think it's a book about OTP you have(¿) right so did you put that because you don't know how to ship will turn out??? Or.... I'm stupid so I'm not fully sure ^_^ ( Lol)

☕️@Coffee_Helps OUT
' should that be my username¿ ' and why do i keep using the spanish question mark??

- Cause you stupid ( I could visualize someone saying that )( Lol )

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