☕️65 : HAPPY DAY!!! kinda

39 5 2

Date : 9/26/2106
Tag : @lovelyPassionateKisses
Feeling: Happy , passionate, lovely Dovey

Guys today been GREAT , I mean school was alright I ate lunch with the lovely Kayla rynabonbons lovely Waifu , she said the most kawaii but funny but stupid thing today which : I LIKE IT ON THE COB - we were talking about the schools lunch and she complained she didn't want the corn because it was on the cob I cracked up dead bro -

Also guys so me and my lovely WAIFU Liza make a joint account sorry buds but it's only me and her he he were the SMOL GODDESS!!!! We may get more members I have to talk it over but here's are account we have to finish updating so don't judge

Passionate Also guys so me and my lovely WAIFU Liza make a joint account sorry buds but it's only me and her he he were the SMOL GODDESS!!!! We may get more members I have to talk it over but here's are account we have to finish updating so don't ...

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Lovey Dovey
Also guys so , as I've been taking guys I found the worst thing on my computers account at school I gotta block out on part thought cause it shows my last name sorry but that's to much info

Guys when I saw this and there no other Kennedy in the school promise - and so when I clicked on this k swear I and a heart attack - no lie like WHO WROTE THIS!!! And then after that I told my teacher was like ' Just erase it ' so blunt and like B...

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Guys when I saw this and there no other Kennedy in the school promise - and so when I clicked on this k swear I and a heart attack - no lie like WHO WROTE THIS!!! And then after that I told my teacher was like ' Just erase it ' so blunt and like BRO I'm not 3 years old I know -

Blah to
Also guys I'm creating another story the title is unknown for now but I need a good intro anyone got any ideas I'll be happy to take ANY ideas also guys I need some inspiration to write so at the bottom I'll have 3-4 role play options so who ever comments they want gets it first -

Starch that will role play tomorrow I'm tired PEACE out love y'all

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