03 | attention/CLOSED

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So I deem this neccesary for the news to be spread, a lot of people still haven't heard about what ProgressExpressYou is doing.

I'm copying and pasting the message from their page, that way, it is word for word correct! (This Chapter will be deleted once this contest ends)

Xoxo Jay-Kay


So I love how everyone wants to get shoutouts, and wants to be noticed. We, the Express You Team, are trying our very hardest. We're reaching out to you as best as we possibly canbut lately I realized you guys want us to do wayy more than we possibly can.

Here's a solution. Three of our fellow compaigns are hosting contests. They're doing somewhat exactly what we're doing, helping you guys get noticed.

@Project-ED has partnered up with @official-visible, @ProjectWomanUp, and @nomorescars called The Big Collab to help bring out awareness to pretty much what they're compaigns are about. SO if you're into supporting them check it out. (Link at the end)

@TheBookParty is hosting their own contest called #TBPA2016. To help writers become more successful on wattpad. (Link at the end) Like we are. They're like our little sister, that's how alike these compaigns are. And I know a bunch of you guys are into this so don't be afraid to check them out.

@WritersStruggle is hosting another contest, much like @TheBookParty. It's called W.S Awards. And it's basically like us and TheBookParty. They're also helping authors become more discovered and successful. (Link is at the end). PLEASE, check them out as well.

Guys, go shoot for the stars and join all of them. The more things you join the more awareness you're bringing to yourself and the more people are actually going to check out what you have.

HEY, here comes a deal. Whoever joins 2 out of 3 of the contest, that means tags and all and we will check. We'll read the book(s) you entered, vote on the chapters, help with reviewing, comment, and follow you. But you must tag us with this too #ExpressRules (Use that hashtag, it'll help us check a lot faster!) Oh and comment that you did! (Please don't comment here, please comment on their page as it is their deal BUT if you have questions we will answer them happily!!)

TBPA2016 Summer Edition | ClosedWhere stories live. Discover now