Awakening in a new world

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Pain's pov:
I was running with the others trying to hunt down Orochimaru. He's been causing us trouble for us and he must be ended. He's getting in the way of our plans. He had the whole sound village standing behind him so everyone had to help in order to take down the damn snake. Stopping I hold a hand up to the others letting them know to stop. We were close and we didn't want to be detected. "Itachi" I say in my monotone voice. "Hn" he grunts and does a hand sign and opens his eyes to reveal the Mangekyō sharingan. Looking around along with Itachi and Madara/Tobi. We all used our doujutsu seeing if anyone was nearby. I see a few chakra signatures and as I'm about to say something we were ambushed by several sound ninja and Orochimaru himself. "Get ready" I warn the others summoning a chakra receiver. "Hahahahaha foolish Akatsuki.... I've been working on some new experiments and I'm about to test them...." Orochimaru hisses licking his lips with that freaky tongue if his smirking. Frowning I summon my fellow Paths and we run forward a chakra receiver each at the dirty snake. The Akatsuki following behind glares on their faces. Before we could reach the sound nin and Orochimaru, Orochimaru pulls out a small black cube with a smile and tosses it at us. Eyes widening the cube opens and a black most flows out the box at an extreme rate filling all of our lungs. Gasping I fall to the ground clutching my chest as the thick mist continues filling my lungs. The other paths disappear and the Akatsuki fall to their knees beside me gasping for breath. Looking up I glare at Orochimaru but he just smiles and pulls out another small cube this time blue. Smiling he says "this one will get you out of my way once and for all~" and tosses the box in front of us. Walking away with the sound nin laughing the box's lid falls off and a blue mist flows out to form a whirlpool above our heads and a large gust of wind pushes us off the ground into the portal above. My sight begins to fade as we lash through a world of blue filled with glowing shape like stars. I glance at the Akatsuki with my failing sight to see them all passed out..... 'What was that black mist?....... What is this?.....' I think before my sight fades and I feel my eyes grow heavy and my body fall limp as I fade into darkness........

Alara's pov:
BEEEEP BEEEP BEE-I sigh and slam my hand down on to the spare alarm clock I had and climb out of the bed groaning slightly when I feel pain course through my arms, torso and legs. Getting up I limp my way over to the Naruto themed calendar I had hanging on the Black painted wall above my desk. Sighing I smile a ghost of a smile. It was Saturday which meant I didn't have to go to that hell today. I walked to my closet across the room and picked out some clothes. A Black Veil Brides T-shirt without sleeves, a Pair of black leather jeans, and some black socks before grabbing some underwear and bra to wear. I make my way to the bathroom and get dressed washing my face and brushing my teeth before looking at myself in the mirror. I always found myself doing this every morning somewhat hoping I'd be prettier and smarter..... But I always look away when I don't see a change. Letting the pain in my heart hurt even more. Walking out of the bathroom I head down the hallway when I hear a crash from the living room. Running into the room i feel my eyes widen at what I see...... It was Akatsuki cosplayers..... In my freaking living room on the floor..... "WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE?!!!!!" A Hidan cosplayer yells angrily waving his red three bladed scythe around an anger vein marking his forehead as he glares around the room before they landed on me. "HEY BITCH!" He yells at me pointing a finger at me grabbing his friends attention. They're eyes widen when they land on me..... I look then at all with wide fearful eyes and ask "what the hell are you doing here?" The Hidan cosplayer glares at me and yells "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?! AND WHY ARE YOU HERE?!!!" I feel myself sweat drop at this and sighing my eyes lose their fearful look dulling back to their usual lifeless look. I give him a blank stare and say "first off I'm Alara and second this is my living room you somehow wound up in." Before he could yell anything else the Pain cosplayer glares at Hidan with his rinnegan eyes and says in a deep monotone voice "Hidan.... Shut up." Hidan shudders and mutters "yes Leader-Sama....." Before glaring at me again. Sighing I ask "why are you here and who are you people?" They all just look to each other and the Pain guy says "we don't know and we're the Akatsuki...... I'm Pain and the blue haired girl beside me is Konan, the shark like guy is Kisame, the blonde one is Deidara, beside him with the orange mask is Tobi, and beside him is Zetsu, and the one with black hair and black eyes is Itachi, and the red head with brown eyes is Sasori, the silver haired guy is Hidan and beside him is Kakazu." Introducing them all while looking at me with his dark purple ringed eyes. I just give them a blank look and blinking I say "oh really." He just glares at me and nods. I raise an eyebrow and say "prove it." He sighs and looking at me raises his right arm at me and says "universal pull" before I find myself floating to the guy making my eyes widen..... 'They're..... They're really them.... But.... How... How is this even possible?!!!!!' I think to myself looking at all of them from my spot in the air in front of Pain. He lowers his hand and I fall to the ground. Groaning I stand up rubbing my sore arm and glance at them and ask "do you guys need somewhere to stay until you find your way back home?" Pain nods his head and says "yes and thank you for your generosity." I just sigh and nod. "But" I start looking at him. "No ones allowed in my room ok?" I tell him. He just nods and I hear one of the guys groan. I look at Hidan and say "you could always sleep outside in the old doghouse if your gonna complain." He glares at me and everyone except Itachi, Pain and Sasori laugh. But they pulled a small smile out of air which makes me smile a ghost of one. "Konan can stay with me in my room and I'll have to find a place for you guys since this house isn't the biggest" I say looking to Konan and the others. They nod letting me know they're fine with that. Sighing I walk to the kitchen and tell over my shoulder "make yourself comfortable I'll make everyone some Tea and ramen!" Walking up to the cabinets I move some stuff trying to find the tea bags before dishing out the ramen packs. Looking at all them I see I have chicken, beef, pork, and shrimp flavored ramen and Earl grey tea..... "It'll have to do" I mutter before grabbing a few pots from the lower cabinets and filling them with water. I stop midstep to the stove when I feel a pair of eyes watching me. Turning around I see Itachi in the doorway looking at me with an emotionless look. Looking back at him with the same look I say "was there something you need?" He just looks at me and makes no move otherwise. We stare at each other with blank eyes for a few minutes before he blinks and walks towards me taking one of the pots out if my hands and placing it on the stove. "Thank you" I say with a small smile before grabbing the tea pot out of the cabinet but epically failing.... It was all the way at the top shelf and I was to short to reach it..... Sweat dropping i stand on my tip toes and jump up trying to reach it when a hand grabs it for me. Looking behind me I see Itachi was looking down at me with a smirk before handing the tea pot over. Blushing I take the pot over to the sink and fill it with water before placing it on the stove along with the pots that were finally boiling. I still feel Itachi's eyes watching me and glance back once and awhile blushing harder when he helps me grab the bowls from the cabinets. He was more handsome in real life..... Nope nope nope!!! Nope!!!! I can't fall for him he's only staying for awhile until they all find a way back!! Sighing I dish out all the ramen into ten different bowls and pour tea into ten different cups. "Itachi" I call to the raven haired make behind me. "Hn" he grunts and looks at me with dark blank eyes. Blushing I look away and mutter "can you help me carry these to the others?" He just picks up some bowls without saying anything and takes them to the living room. Smiling I do the same walking back to the kitchen to get the tea cups. After taking the rest to them I walk back to the kitchen to wash the pots when I hear them talking.

Itachi's pov:
After I helped Alara to take the bowls and tea to the others we sat down and began talking when she left the room Leader-Sama grabbed everyone's attention by clearing his throat. "Alright everyone this girl is giving us a place to stay until we figure things out-" Leader starts until Hidan interrupts him. "Why the hell do we have to stay with her?!" He growls glaring at leader. Leader glares back more ferociously making Hidan flinch. Sighing I say "the girl was nice enough to let a bunch of strangers into her house and cook for us..... We also have no idea where we are so she's are best bet of figuring things out." Giving Hidan a blank look sipping some tea. He just glares but I activate my sharingan looking at him at the three tomoes circle around my pupil. He mutters something and looks away. "Thank you Itachi" leader says before getting back on task but I zone out. I look at the girl in the kitchen and feel my eyes widen slightly. She had large amounts of chakra hidden away...... Just who was this girl.....

A/n: I don't own the Akatsuki only Alara.

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