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Justice walks to her desk and grabs her purse and bag that has the papers in it that she needs to grade, she then walks out the door and locks it. Turning she glances down the hallway and grins seeing Harry and Louis walking side by side Justice takes off running toward the exit, she hits the panic bar causing it to echo down the hallway, throwing a look over her shoulder she sees Harry look up and smile.

Harry was walking down the hallway quietly talking to Louis about the plans for the weekend when he hears the exit door crash open, looking up he sees Justice disappear through the doors running. Nudging Louis with his elbow Harry grins and takes off running after her, when he breaks through the doors he sees she's already halfway across the parking lot. Picking up speed Harry catches up to her, wraps his arm around her waist and swings her off her feet into his arms.

As soon as Justice feels Harry's arm around her waist she starts laughing. When her feet leave the ground she throws her arms around Harry's neck and hugs him.
"I love you." She sighs as she lays her head on his shoulder.

"And I love you." Harry says, kissing his beautiful wife of 20 years.

"Come on guys. It's bad enough I have go to the same school you two teach at, but do you have to act like that too?" Shea, Harry and Justice's oldest daughter complains.

Louis walks up and puts his arm across her shoulders. "Look at it this way kiddo. You're graduating in a few weeks and will be going off to college." Louis says chuckling. "Now your brother and sister will still have put up with their childish antics."

"Yeah but Uncle Lou, you'd think at their age they'd be to old to act that way." Shea laughs.

"Bite your tongue, brat." Harry laughs, as he puts Justice down beside the car. "As long as your mom continues to look the same as she did when we fell in love I'll continue to act as a hormonal teenager." Harry says making his daughter blush. He then gives his wife "the look". "Which reminds me. What do you think you're doing running like that in your condition?" He asks Justice shocking not only his kids, because the other two were now standing next to their sister but also Louis.

"Oh my God! Mom, you're pregnant again?" Shea gasps out.

Justice hugs Harry around the waist. "Honey, I'm only 38, we wanted one more baby before I was to old." She tells them with tears in her eyes.

"No, I'm happy." Shea cries hugging both parents.

"We are too." Eddie and Erin, the twins say at the same time. Who were freshman in the same high school.

"I can alway use more nieces or nephews to spoil." Louis laughs.

Justice smiles. "I doubt we're having twins again Lou." She says.

"Sissy." Rebecca and Ryan cry out at the same time as their sister Shea walk toward them with a grin on her face. Bending down she gives her 4 year old twin brother and sister hugs before hugging her mom and dad and other siblings. When she was done Harry pulls her back into his arms.

"God I can't believe you are a college graduate." He says hugging Shea close. "You are making me feel so old." Harry grins.

"That's not what you said this morning." Justice giggles.

"Mom!" The three older siblings groan as Harry chuckles and hugs his wife.

"True, but you my dear always make me feel young." Harry says with a smirk.

"Okay, please stop." Shea laughs. Then she feels a hand on her shoulder, looking behind her she sees the guy she's been dating and smiles. "Mom, dad, I want you to meet Eric. Eric this is my parents Harry and Justice, older twin brother and sister Eddie and Erin and younger twins Rebecca and Ryan."

Both Harry and Justice's eyes widen when they see Eric for the first time, they both knew Shea was dating a guy, she told them, but this was the first time meeting him.
Harry sticks his hand out. "Hello Eric. Nice to finally meet you." He says.

"You too sir. Shea has told me a lot about you and your wife." Eric says.

"Really? Have you talked to your parents about any of that?" Justice asks him.

Eric frowns. "No ma'am. I don't get along with my dad." He says with a shake of his head. "I'll be honest with both now. My dad was very abusive to me and my mom. She finally left him when I was 6. That pissed him off, he told her she had no right taking her son away from him. My dad is in prison for killing my mom." Eric tells them. "My grandparents raised me.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Justice cries, hugging the taller boy, surprising him. She then turns to Harry. "I knew Derek was an ass but I never thought he'd do something like that." She says wiping away a tear.

"I know babe." Harry says pulling his wife to him.

"Wait you know my dad?" Eric asks.

Harry nods. "Went to school with him. In fact that's how I met my wife." Harry says with a shake of his head. "I was just like your dad at one time, and used to bully my wife, I was lucky and turned my life around. Justy forgave me and we've been together every sence." Harry says.

"Look, this is supposed to be a happy day, our daughter just graduated from college. Enough talking about the past." Justice says. "Let's go eat. Eric you're going with us, so let's go."

"Okay mom." They all say, even Harry causing Justice to laugh and grab the younger twins and lead them to the car.

Harry and Justice continued to raise all their kids with the knowledge that they can at all times take up for themselves. It didn't matter what the person was. They continued to teach self defense classes in their home town with the help of Louis and now Shea and Eric. Bo and Jo signed the gym over to Harry and Justice as an anniversary gift when they decided to retire.
Shea and Eric got married 2 years after she graduated college and she is now teaching at the same school as her parents while her husband Eric is the town sherriff.

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