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Justice walks quickly to her locker to grab the last of her things out of it. Somehow she has managed to avoid her one main tormentor all day, and she was hoping to get out of this hell hole and possibly survive the summer of her mom and dad's daily beatings. That was the one thing Justice hated about her life and herself. She got beat on daily at home by her parents because she was so ugly, then she has to come to school and put up with the the same shit from the best looking guy in school Harry Styles. Hell it didn't take a genius to know that someone like her at 5'1, with long wildly curly blonde hair, her best feature, thick glasses covering her unusual smokey gray eyes that looked almost white, which most people couldn't see, and the ugly braces on her teeth, she was just ugly. So ugly in fact people would rather hit her than be friends with her, because Justice Summer's had no friends, but Harry did. He had a lot of friends and every one of those friends helped him on a daily basis let her know how worthless she was. And at 6'4 Harry towered over her making the occasional hit or push that much more hurtful to her small body.
No one really knew how tiny Justice was though, due to the over sized sweaters and hoodies she wore all the time to cover the multiple bruises.
Just as she was about to step out of the school for that last time ever that year, Justice hears the voice she was dreading. Not even thinking about the ramifications of what would happen if she were to be caught, she runs. Today Harry can go to hell Justice thinks as she runs as fast as her short leg will carry her, hearing Harry and his henchmen coming after her, the only thing she's so focused on is getting away she runs into to street, not paying attention to Harry's voice behind her. All she knows is one second she's running the next she's flying through the air, then there's nothing.

Harry was the most popular guy in school not only for his amazing good looks but for being a bully too. Hell he learned well, his brother owned that title until he graduated passing the torch to Harry as a freshman. Hell Harry loved the fact he was a junior and everyone either wanted to be his friend or was afraid of him. Suited him just fine, he wanted to date a girl she didn't dare say no, but there was very few he picked on constantly and one of those was his target now. Harry had left her alone so far today but it being the last day of school there was no way she was leaving this building without him having his fun. Justice Summers was one of the ugliest girls he's ever seen, yeah her hair was amazing, but that was it. And her clothes, no one could tell what type of body she had her clothes were so big and baggy. Seeing her just as she was about to slip out of the school without some of what Harry could dish out, Harry calls her name, much to his surprise she runs from him. Looking to his friends around him they all grin and chase after the much smaller and slower girl, teasing her as they ran after her, the only problem was she wasn't stopping this time. Harry's heart jumps to his throat as she runs into the street and he screams her name, to his horror he sees her flying through the air as a truck hits her head on. Skidding to a halt at the edge of the road Harry just stares at to girl lying in a heap, yards from where she was hit, unmoving, and bleeding.
Harry is totally shocked to see the hoodie the girl is wearing, now ripped in several places, leaving her side and stomach bare for them all to see. Justice's whole torso was covered in black and blue bruises, Harry knew there was now way her being hit could cause that kind of damage that quick, so that only meant one thing. He, Harry Styles, hurt this tiny girl himself, shaking his head Harry turns and walks away with tears in his eyes.

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