Chapter 3

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Pulling into the parking lot of his parents restaurant Harry and Justice gets out of his car and enters the building, grabbing Justice's hand Harry pulls her with him to the kitchen.
"Mom?" He calls out. "Is it okay if we use the private dining room for a while?" Harry asks the beautiful lady at the oven.

Anne turns and looks at her son and the beautiful girl beside him. "It's all yours, you want your usual?" She asks.

"Can you make it two? We have more coming. Oh and this is Justice." Harry says, kissing his mom's cheek.

"She the one?" Anne asks, at Harry's nod she hugs him. "Two it is. They'll be ready shortly."

"Thanks mom." Harry says as he walks back out and leads Justice to a private room and motions for the others to follow. Once everyone was sitting down Harry laced his fingers together and looked down. "This past summer was probably the hardest times of my life. All my life I always looked up to my older brother, he was everything I wanted to be. Hell I was the happiest guy on earth when I grew taller than him, when he graduated high school I guess everyone knew I was automatically going to step up and fill his shoes, continue the Styles tyranny. Boy, it didn't take me long to show everyone in that school who the boss was either, like my brother before me I ruled with an iron fist. No one dared go against me, except once. One person ran." Harry says softly, turning and looking at the girl beside him with tears in his eyes. "Because of me and my stupidity she almost died. I spent all summer locked in my bedroom either hating myself for everything I've ever done in the past or fighting off my best friend because he wouldn't let me take the pills or use the razor blades to end my torcher." Harry sighs. "I put Louis through hell all summer long, daily arguments, physical fights, but he stuck with me and never once left my side." Harry says giving Louis a smile. "Lou finally came up with the bright idea to find out what happened to Justice." Harry adds grabbing her hand as he wipes away a tear. "When I found out you didn't die in that accident I cried for three days, it wasn't until after I calmed down that Lou told me about your parents. Then the fights started all over again." Harry says tracing one fresh looking scar and his arm, causing Justice to gasp. "Yeah, he almost lost one major fight. Lou is a lot stronger than he looks. That's when he fucking tied me to my bed and came up with the idea of starting fresh this year."
"Totally doing a 360 and instead of being the bullies, stopping all forms of it. And after what I had been through that was something I could stand behind, even if it was just me and Lou against the entire school."

Justice reaches up and wipes away a tear on her cheeks with one hand since Harry still hand a tight hold on the other. "I guess it's my turn." She says softly, taking a deep breath. "I have no clue what happened for the first few weeks of summer, I was in a coma." Justice says tightening her hold on Harry's hand even more. "When I finally did wake up I found out my parents had been arrested and I had been placed into a foster care, and if I was lucky by the time I was able to get out of the hospital I might actually get placed in a loving home." Justice says. "Well I did get very lucky, two days before I got discharged Bo and Jo Masters walks in my room. They tell me they were the new gym teachers at the high school and Bo would be coaching the basketball team while Jo coaches the girls baseball team, much to my amazement they sat there in room and literally begged me to come live with them. At first I was terrified, I mean all I had known was pain from guys his size and some much smaller, but it didn't matter hell everyone is bigger than me." She sighs looking down at her and Harry's entwined fingers. "But I could see how gentle Bo was with Jo and I had nowhere to go so I thought I'd give them a shot."
"Well it turned out to be the best decision I've ever made, those two helped me through my physical therapy, they were both there by my side at all times. And when I was done I continued training with them, they showed me all the proper self-defense techniques and since Bo was at one time a kickboxing champion he taught me some of those moves and techniques too. I had made up mind, going back to school this year, I wasn't getting bullied like before. Not this time." Justice finishes just as Harry's mom brings in the pizza.

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