Fairy Tail x Reader - Part 5

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   "Looks like we beat them all we should go and find the others, ______ where are you," says Lucy. "She/He is long gone," one of the bandits say. "Oh-no, Natsu, Happy, Erza, Grey!," Lucy yelled. They all run towards her voice. "What's wrong Luce?," Natsu says. "The bandits took ______," Lucy says. "Natsu can you find him/her," Erza says. "I think so but first let me see if I can pick up his/her scent, I got it follow me," says Natsu.

  I woke up in a dirty and dark cell. I try to break free from the sell  it seemed impossible. Then a guard walked by and I managed to grab his keys. I waited until the guard was gone and then snuck out. I made out of the dungeon and found my way into a huge building it was like a castle. Then I saw the exit. I was so close but then two of the bandits got me and started to beat me up and I couldn't do anything because they had me in magic blocking shackles. I eventually passed out from all the pain. Soon enough I woke up in someone's bedroom. Then I heard a door open, I stoop up ready to fight to escape. The person who walked in was a tall guy with Dark brown hair. "Hello beautiful, it has been a while hasn't it." the guy said. " Do I know you? Why did you bring me here?" I respond. "Your questions will be answered soon enough, Wait... What was you first question." He says. "Um, I asked if I knew you?" I say dumbfounded by why he wants to know that. "You really do not remember me, it's me Alexander Hue." He says. "Nope name dose not ring a bell." I say back. "We're best friends, well at least used to be." He says starting to get a little angry. " I am sorry Alexander but I lost my memory a while back and I still do not remember anything about my past." I say a little upset with myself because I do not remember this guy. He mumbles something but I manage to make it out "I guess that fall was not enough to kill you so you lived but lost your memory." "What!? You are the reason I lost my memory, you are the reason I had to start my life over, but why, why would you do this to me?" I say furious and confused. "Let me see how to tell you this as nice as possible, You betrayed me and Sam, You left us for dead. We were all out in a mission, looking for a monster that was killing villagers. Sadly we found that monster and we were no match for it. Eventually you ran away and it was just me and Sam, Sam fought and fought but the monster picked her and crushed her. I thought I was next until another wizard came along and saved me. That wizard trained me and I sought revenge. I found you and tried to kill you but because you are here now I guess I failed, so that is probably all you really need to know." He says. " I... I would never do anything like that." I sat there terrified for my memory's to come back just in case that was true. "Well you did so believe it and now I think it is finally time for you to die." He says with an evil grin on his face. He started to beat me up and using his magic on me. The pain was to much, I started to black out.

"She/He is definitely in there." Natsu says. "I hope ______ is okay" Lucy says. "We better go in now just in case." Gray says. "Be prepared to fight, find ______ at all cost." Says Erza.

___________________________ Sorry this part took so long, i have had been really busy and having some major writers block. I am not sure when the next part is coming out, please give suggestions for what should happen next. Also tell me if you are enjoying and if anything should change, I really would appreciate your opinions and ideas. Until next time, BYE.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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